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Just diary (loneliness, anxiety, friends)

SkyblueClementine1798 December 31st, 2022

Friday - Dec 31st (comments are always welcome)

Today was okay! I just wonder why most people just shy away from me and don’t find me relatable. Am I really like this scary or unlovable or unrelatable?

Cutting ties with family… heh… I find it almost weird and jealous that some people haven’t done that already. For me there was just no way to connect and be with my Chinese identity and family , I don’t even know how to mend it. I thought I understood it but not I’m having second thoughts

i wish there was just someone that’s also like me and similar like me and just similar in my progress. It doesn’t seem possible rn. I wish they just knew what suffering felt like.

i gues friends don’t always come from first impression and gut instincts. I’ll try to look for webinars and clubs and events that feature or include people with disability or LGBTQ

SkyblueClementine1798 OP January 28th, 2023

I wanna make a documentary about my daily life, about this shared sense of loneliness and emptiness. Because I'm sure I'm not the only one that goes thru this. Everyone I see in daily life seems to be craving some sort of connection. But just can't do so for their valid reasons. I wanna put it through words, art, and action to show others. I fear that I'm gonna make this into a perfection. I don't want it to be.

Is this really loneliness/emptiness? Or is it wanting to have quality alone time but just can't because of how much noise there is? I don't know. It seems like it's worse then there's a crowd because there's so much potential to become friends with each and everyone in the crowd, and connecting to them in some ways. But because there's so many options, I just can't. So it is loneliness but exacerbated by too many people. Hmm.