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I felt like screaming

helpfulWatermelon5615 February 22nd, 2017

Today I wanted to scream so loud, it would have been heard for miles around and years to come.

Horrible, Ugly, Fully charged and Foul, conjured from the dregs of my Soul.

Like a battle cry for all of us

helpfulWatermelon5615 OP February 24th, 2017

@agreeableKite4304 thanks for your response and understanding... i really appreciate it 👣❤

PuppyLove13 February 22nd, 2017


I'm so sorry you feel this way.. *hugs tight* You'll be okay :) <3 We're all here for you :)

helpfulWatermelon5615 OP February 24th, 2017



I took it out during a walk ☺😥 ... it helps to write about too.

PuppyLove13 February 24th, 2017

@helpfulWatermelon5615 Walks do help :)

BestIcanbe February 23rd, 2017


Can I join you? We can battle together....

From the dregs of your soul eh? I'm not sure exactly what you meant by that, but for a long, long, long time I felt I had something bad in me. I recognise it now as shame, and it's insidious, but it doesn't belong to me. I'm getting rid of my dregs, slowly but surely. I hope you can too.

Now, back to that screaming....after 3?

helpfulWatermelon5615 OP February 24th, 2017

@BestIcanbe hope you had a good Scream 😲. I sure did.. t'was satisfying..