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it always happens

CPO2000 December 30th, 2022

they say although you don’t remember the event your body does. so when a similar experience happiness your body remembers how you felt and acted which is why you panic shutdown become depressed anxious ect.

but i know my trauma. i know my problems. so why do i still act the same, why so i still hesitate when someone shouts. why do i clench my fist untill my nails dig so deep it hurts and that’s just because i hear a loud car. why do i cry when i’m in a tiny space, or in a car by myself.

surely i should be okay, i know what happened. so why can i not sort myself out. years of therapy and i’ve got no closer i feeling home, at peace with myself

Skansly December 30th, 2022


The thing is have you analysed your thoughts as to why you do certain things ? What is the first thought that comes to your mind when someone shouts? Is there a past incident due to which you fear shouting?

CPO2000 OP December 30th, 2022

yes so i completely understand why i so those things because of what i’ve been through. but it was ages ago so i’ve had time to go over it and process it but my reactions are still the same. i can’t change my thought pattern

Skansly December 30th, 2022


Could you give the example of any incidents where your thoughts pattern havent changed?

HansonGod December 31st, 2022

I can be ur friend if u need someone to talk to! (I've been through similar experiences )