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Sacon1981 August 13th

I have trauma based on bpd from fake friends now dont have any because I thought they were true ones ive been though abusive partners. Now I have the loneliness feel of this all. Sometimes my partner don't understand then gets funny with me when I just feel like you so don't get me inside. Iam 42 years old thoughtout life just nasty people caused bpd trauma

Tinywhisper11 August 14th

@Sacon1981 hi sweetie ❤I'm Lola ❤ trigger warning, abuse.... , I hear you, I'm kinda simular bad people held me captive for 18 years, so I kinda sympathise and agree with you about bad people🙁 now I'm 23 and I've never had a friend so I don't really know what it feels like to be betrayed like that, or what's it's like to be in a relationship. But I hope your partner listens more and learns from you ❤

but I strongly believe there are more good people than bad in this world, so never give up on humans ❤ hugs you tightly ❤  I'm right here if you need to talk

Sacon1981 OP August 14th

Hello and thank you for replying. I need a good friend and a listener I have a driving lesson tomorrow but have mixed emotions of feeling sad and lonely inside I think I need my own freedom by driving my boyfriend doesnt drive I want and need to be happy within myself

Tinywhisper11 August 14th

@Sacon1981 im sorry I'm not a listener, but a friend, most definitely ❤ ooo! Good luck on your driving test, do let me know how it goes ❤ having the freedom of a car, can really help you. You know if your feeling depressed you can jump in your car and go for a walk by the lake, or go sit on a beach and watch the sunset ❤ is your boyfriend supportive of your mental health?

Sacon1981 OP August 14th

Yes let's be friends x

Sacon1981 OP August 14th

Driving test September 27th. Yes more freedom to see.yeah he is but I need to make myself happy within me x

Tinywhisper11 August 14th

@Sacon1981 oh sorry I misread, you said lesson not driving test, but anyways good luck ❤ I'm glad he's nice to you, but yes finding the happiness within you is important ❤ what do you like to do that used to bring you joy?

Sacon1981 OP August 14th

Liked swimming but hard to make friends as my friends were all fake keep pulling faces and staring at me. Wasn't nice at all. Iam 42 years old have a daughter who's 14. I don't live with my partner he comes on a weekends but moved into my house last Saturday so had a bbq more freedom for a house waiting for tv to work with WiFi etc.