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Just venting, don´t want to have a conversation right now.

etherealnova June 28th, 2023

Trigger warning: abuse?

So just now, I was sitting on the couch with my brother and mom. My baby brother was getting kind of hyper and yelled a bit, and my mom jumped off the sofa, smacked him on the side of his face and pulled the headset off his head, and threw it into the other room. He started crying and she told him to shut up several times, when he couldn´t stop crying she picked him up and pushed him out the door saying ¨If you´re going to act like that, you can´t be here.¨ He screamed because he doesn´t even like being in a room without someone and being shoved out the front door isn´t very fun. She pulled him back inside, sacked him, and covered his mouth so he couldn´t scream while she yelled at him ¨You are acting disgusting, this is out of control.¨ I´m not sure whether or not I saw her hand go on his throat, but I heard him coughing and spluttering like he couldn´t breathe. That´s when I walked over to him and picked him up to properly deal with the situation without physically and verbally abusing him, and my mom pretty much just said he deserves to be left alone crying, that this is how she raised me for a decade and a half and I turned out fine. I walked away because I was tired of hearing her talk to him like that and she yelled at my baby brother, ¨I hope you can´t even *** cry someday, I wish you would go emotionless so I don´t have to deal with your disgusting attitude.¨ I started crying because that´s exactly how I turned out. I can´t feel anything except sadness or anger most of the time, and even when I want to cry I can´t. So she did this to me on purpose. She yelled some other things at him like ¨you need to be taken to a hospital for acting like this, something is seriously wrong with you.¨ and called him the r-slur. Nobody else sees this kind of behavior from her and when I tell her ¨if you don´t want other people to know, you probably shouldn´t do it.¨ she justifies it by comparing it to discipline and I feel trapped because she might be right. I´m not sure if I´m being dramatic or if I´m wrong, but I know I have no way out of it. Just venting.

Optimisticempath July 1st, 2023


oh no. this is really sad :( how's your brother? :/

you're not over reacting by expressing how you feel <3 please take care of you and your brother.