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How Trauma Affects a Child’s Brain - starryCandy6123

audienta January 8th

Hello everyone,

today, I'm happy to share a post on how trauma affects a child's brain with you, written by @starryCandy6123. Please share your thoughts on the topic and your appreciation for Candy in the comments.

How Trauma Affects a Child’s Brain - starryCandy6123

The brain begins development at birth and continues throughout our lives. During this, there are particular times when it is at its highest, namely childhood and adolescence. During this time, it has more effect on the brain, negative or positive. Positive influence means a good healthy life and on the other hand, trauma can affect the child's development negatively.

When a child experiences trauma, might have a problem coping with cognitive functioning, this is due to the fact, that the child needs to use all the brain, to protect itself, by trying to figure out if the adult, is trustworthy or not and then the part that is used for language and speech develops less.

Other signs of stress are fear of leaving the parent, screaming or crying, not eating properly, losing weight, and night terrors.

Resource: trauma in children

This post was written by a member of the Trauma Sub-Community Writing Team. You can find a masterpost with all the posts of this team linked here. If you want to join the team, please apply here. Also, please comment if you want to be tagged in future posts.

Thank you,

@WorkingitThrough2 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou
LoveMyMoonflowers January 8th

thank you so much, @audienta and @starryCandy6123 for this post. 💜 we appreciate y’all so much. 💙

audienta OP January 8th


Thank you for your kind words. 💜

LoveMyMoonflowers January 8th


thank *you* 💙

Nova32 January 8th

Thank you for this post!
I have learned a lot about child development and how trauma can affect it. I feel like this information is not commonly known and should be. 

audienta OP January 9th


Thank you for your positive feedback! I agree that this is very important knowledge.

WorkingitThrough2 January 9th


Thank you both for this post. It will be very beneficial to this community❤️

audienta OP January 9th


Thank you for your kind words. 💜

amiableBlackberry92 January 9th

Great information. Education on this is so important and helpful. 



audienta OP January 11th


I agree that education on those topics is really important. Thank you to @starryCandy6123 !