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Words of Support

CheeryMango February 12th, 2021

Leave some words of support or encouragement for yourself or someone who has went through a traumatic experience

EccentricAnna February 21st, 2021


that happiness can be found even in the darkest of times

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 21st, 2021


"You are safe here, you're important, I am sorry you had to go through it, but believe me you're here and trying hard each day to get better and it's so very courageous of you. You have so much time, as much you need to heal from the experience, just so you know, you matter and I am right here for you, whenever you'd like a shoulder to lean on. Let's hang in there and take it one moment at a time." 🤗❤

KassySunshine96 February 21st, 2021

Be kind to yourself. It is okay to not be okay. If you can't climb the mountain, climb the hill instead. You are enough, and even baby steps are progress.

TreaureSeekers3 February 21st, 2021

Your always doing good each day. No one knows how much you come from and where you were. No ones knows your journey only your personal one. You know on yourself what you done good and bad. Don't let no one tell you othwerwise and always stick up for yourself. Best to go alone at times. Keep strong. Love you xxx

TreaureSeekers3 February 21st, 2021

For me

KatieTheWingedOne February 21st, 2021


I understand, deeply, how hard experiences can be. Know time has the ability to heal and trust, in time, things do change. You wont be the same person that that experience happened to in time, you'll be coping, content, more able to deal with what once happened and might happen......... More than time allow yourself to grow through this, you didn't ask for it to happen and whatever happened or how guilty or to blame you feel you may be..

Things will be different, allow yourself to learn and adapt. You are worthy of love and care, you may never fully be healed, wounds may scab and scar and heal but the area may always be sore, with that sore area be cautious and compassionate, it is not what broke you, it is what you rebuilt yourself after. Be careful with yourself, you're stronger than what you've been through 💙

Rebekahwriter13 February 21st, 2021

Take things one day at a time. . . days add up.

If something upsets your day, stop take a breathe, focus, face your obstacle and move on to the next day.

It's more than okay to dream between the days.

mystrawberrykitty February 21st, 2021

what we've experienced cannot be undone , but what we decide to do with those experiences can always be changed ! (Ɔ ˘⌣˘)♥(˘⌣˘ C)

EmmaE February 21st, 2021


there's always a rainbow - even at the end of the worst storms

purpleTree4652 February 22nd, 2021

@CheeryMango, My dear child, I'm so sorry you have gone through that. (then I would offer to hug or hold the person.)

FinleyTews February 22nd, 2021

You've had to be strong to survive. That is sad, but also courageous. I hope you know you are trying your best and don't be too hard on yourself. Good luck.

sunlightspirit February 22nd, 2021

Allow yourself to feel every emotion as they's okay to cry and be angry, frustrated, scared and/or confused. You do not have to go it alone either, I am here for you.

cccmjc February 22nd, 2021

@sunlightspirit husband in car accident, no work for 8 months. i am disabled. my disability check pays only rent and electricities. he is learning how to get through each day not being able to do what he used to be really good at. hard labor. I have already come to myself since I was disabled in my 2011, any new advise?

sunlightspirit February 22nd, 2021


Just to post that I reached out to you via a message and we were able to speak a bit about this.

PalmTree7773 February 22nd, 2021

I know it’s been hard, and I know it’s still hard dealing with this. And sometime we have no way to escape it but the fact you made peace with yourself and your mind is the most important, it’s the beginning line! It may be in baby steps, but you are making incredible progress. And I’m proud of you <3

cccmjc February 22nd, 2021

I believe in using our words softly and correctly to uplift and encourage. to build and not tear down out of love. I remember this when someone tries to do harm to me. I remember, THIS TOO SHALL PASS. it sounds too easy but it is true. It will pass. the question is how will I react to it? Distract myself or plow right through it? work slow and cautious or be callous? I tend to be slow and cautious making every point count.

Dino12 February 22nd, 2021

You are strong, resilient and brave and you can overcome anything

slothnessmonstr February 22nd, 2021

It may seem to be the hardest thing you’ll ever go through, but it (the pain) does get easier.

rackingmybrain43 February 22nd, 2021

You are loved, you are cherrishd, you are valuable, you are important. Just be YOU!

Makayla128 February 22nd, 2021

Take time to take care of yourself and go at your own pace to recovering ❤️

Parvlakin February 23rd, 2021

It's okay to not be okay. You cant expect to be happy all the time, you have to let yourself feel in order to heal from what happened. It doesn't make you weak to breakdown or cry or rant because you've gone through a traumatic experience. Just remember to always get back up afterwards and say "my trauma does not define me". You are wonderful and loved, you can make it through this. I believe in you so dont give up!

BellatheHappyHelper February 23rd, 2021

“The first morning passed, and the first afternoon, then the first shift back at work. time takes it all, whether you want it to or not. Time takes it all, time bears it away, and in the end there is only darkness. Sometimes we find others in that darkness, and sometimes we lose them there again.”
― Stephen King, The Green Mile

BellatheHappyHelper February 23rd, 2021

“Healing doesn’t have to look magical or pretty. Real healing is hard, exhausting and draining. Let yourself go through it. Don’t try to paint it anything other than what it is. Be there for yourself with no judgment.”

"Even in times of trauma, we try to maintain a sense of normality until we no longer can. That, my friends, is called surviving. Not healing. We never become whole again… we are survivors. If you are here today…you are a survivor. But those who have made it thru hell and are still standing? We bare a different name: warriors.”

BellatheHappyHelper February 23rd, 2021

it was not your fault.

cccmjc February 23rd, 2021


Barn's burnt down. Now I can see the moon!

DarkPiT23 February 24th, 2021

It's okay if you are feeling down, Completely fine. They are times when there will be no one around to hear you or care about you but remember it doesn't last even tho it feels likes years and there is too someone parallel to you listening to songs that relate to their numbness and feel exactly the same. So don't worry. You are not alone and I assure you that, it will be over and you will look back and smile through your struggles you have gone through. Just don't give up! You will go through it blushheart

BipolarInWonderland February 25th, 2021

It might not seem like it right now but it will get better.

LilacLeopard February 25th, 2021

After a storm comes a rainbow. verily after hardship comes ease.

April 5th, 2021

Words of support are things that I still need to learn and I am working hard on this these days, in all ways that I know how to do. God, you give me your words of support in my diff bibles and that is the strongest support I could ever have in all my life. However, I am also seeking other forms of support from trained individuals in hopes of having many positive changes in my life that i have never known about, or, felt. I am not seeking words of support from others, but, i want to be there to support others myself. I already try my best at being there from some others, when I can cope and deal enough to do so. I want to offer them more words of support and help them feel better, uplift them, and give them a friend who cares about them.

energeticThinker3129 June 22nd, 2022


I trust you.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 2nd, 2022

@energeticThinker3129 The most impactful message to right about anyone trying to open up. <3

calmMango9611 May 30th

@CheeryMango inspirational-quotes.gif