I deserve to Heal because.....
The journey to healing from traumatic experiences requires us to revolutionize our thinking about ourselves, responsibility, healthy relationships, trust, self-love, self-respect and self-compassion to name just a few....Self compassion often helps with healing childhood wounds. Traumatic experiences such as childhood abuse, assault, rape, etc can affect literally every aspect of a persons life., from your self-confidence, self-esteem, body image, to your ability to relate to others, cope with intimate relationships, and be a good parent, to your work performance, ability to be learn new things, and ability to care for yourself. There is often much self-criticism, self-blame; self-neglect; self-destructive behaviors (such as abusing your body with food, alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes, self-mutilation,etc; believing you dont deserve good things; believing if others really knew you they would dislike, reject you or blame you. You may carry much shame or guilt. Through lack of trust which is understandable you may not allow yourself to get close to other people and even sabotage relationships along with support.
As judge and jury you may pronounce yourselves guilty and yet It was and never will be your fault...especially when traumatic experiences have arisen from abuse committed by others, no matter how this may have been justified, the responsibility for abuse lies firmly with those who have subjected others to it.....
I have heard many people over many years say they believe they dont deserve anything good in their lifes, that they are a rotten person etc etc...but I am here to say you are all worthy, you are all deserving and you deserve to heal from your experiences....Therefore I thought I would start a forum thread in the hope that each one of you can find one reason to start believing that you deserve to heal.....:) I hope you find this space safe and supportive and would love to hear your reasons as to why you believe you are worthy of a better life, of less pain, of happiness.......
All are welcome to contribute to I deserve to heal because........
@lyra @KristenHR @Anomalia @JoyCS @beYOUtywithin @Laura @7cups
I have in life
I deserve to heal because I'm a human like all the others, and I'm worthy and I deserve happiness and love, like anybody else.
I deserve to heal because I am a nice human being who means no harm and appreciates and sees beauty and kindness
I deserve to heal to be able to have a life and help others and find happiness and tell the world my story.
I deserve to be able to move on with my life.
I deserve to heal because my kids deserve the best of me.
I deserve to heal because my children deserves a mother who is mentally there at all times
healing is my birthright. And I was meant to do more in this life than be stuck or traumatized by something that wasn't my fault.
I deserve to heal because it wasn't my fault. Because I have a right to be safe and be free to be me, be loved and live a life i love.
I deserve to heal because I am human. I make mistakes but they don't define who I will be in the future. the stories of my pain have value. I will grow and heal because I want to heal. I'm tired of the cycle of pain and sadness. I am tired of the dishonesty and the quick judgments. my story is mine to write. not a stranger, not an abuser. I write my story from beginning to end.