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daddy issues

bloodyashes May 20th, 2021

every single time i see a father-daughter/son with a good relationship i feel extremely jealous and sad

LilacKalypso9 May 21st, 2021


You must be feeling quite discontented, when observing such loving and caring interactions between fathers and their children. Such emotions of envy and devastation etc. can occur due to a variety of experiences one goes through in life. I cannot imagine what you will have gone through in life with your family, especially with your dad, to lead to this kind of emotional state.

It takes so much courage to go through life on a daily basis, with these so-called "daddy issues", and must be a struggle to want to feel the same connection, but not being able to.

You're worthy of support and understanding for this matter and should be praised for reaching out to the 7 Cups website to speak up!😊

sensibleThinker2167 May 22nd, 2021

I can 100% relate with you, it’s sort of difficult seeing al these people with a good relationship with their parents. I really am happy that they have one but it can really bring loneliness and feeling non worthy :(

amiableBlackberry92 May 22nd, 2021

I'm so sorry, I can relate. Over the many years of my life I look back and think wow what would I be like if I had so and so's dad for a father. I've met some ppl too that are older than I am and a flash of a thought flys thru me, what a great father this guy would have been for me. I am trying to come to terms with what I got and it's been difficult. I decided a long time ago to be my own hero and be the parent to my kids that I didn't have. They are wonderful and successful in alot of ways I couldn't be ( they know they are loved). But I feel I changed that path of destruction in my past and made a positive ripple in the world with them. It's good you are reaching out for help and 7cups is a safe place to be, its helped me so much. I wish for you to find peace 💜 ABB

millerjane March 23rd

I know how hard it can be, I relate to this so much as well. Seeing other children experiencing paternal love is devastating. No one is more worthy of love than someone else, it is not our fault. Every child deserves to feel loved and protected.