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The Witch Mother (Christine Ann Lawson Ph.D)

understandingCamp1248 February 19th, 2020

I've written before about me being in therapy. So I have started discussing my mother. I have gone no contact with her recently due to abuse. It's like she is a different person to who I remember. I can see what she is doing. Being controlling, aggressive or putting me down. I always used to say we were dysfunctional but I didn't realize or really accept the extent of the abuse. We are using this book to understand and heal from my childhood. To accept the trauma and go on a new trajectory. Have healthier attachment. However since that session I've been so sad. The emptiness I tend to feel and run from seems so large. It feels like it is taking me whole. Noone believes I was abused. We seem too middle class. Too normal on the outside. I feel so alone. Also, the traits she seems to have �are a bit on the sadistic side which is surprising to me but shouldn't be. But she has a turn. She is the " Good Mother." Then turns into this particular category. She always used to say to be kind and I think she believes she is. She isn't going to stop hurting me. My heart is broken. I know I'm on the right path. Healing and facing this. Trying to be here in the moment, but......this feeling. �

[Edited by @QuietMagic 11/20/21 to remove stigmatizing content]

LonelyStardust94 February 19th, 2020

@understandingCamp1248, I am struggling with the exact same thing. You're post describes my relationship with my own mother. I am stuck now at 25 trying to heal from something I only believe exists. My father and two younger siblings have also choose to not listen. I feel completely alone, on top of everything I am still living at home with my 7 year old son and boyfriend. We help my parents financially while my siblings live their best lives without worry. I am constantly feeling that emptiness try to consume me and I did let it for awhile. Its like fighting a war you are destined to fail. I just seem like some ungrateful bitch who doesn't like her family anymore. Just know you are not alone, YOU ARE NOT CRAZY!!! ITS REAL

understandingCamp1248 OP February 19th, 2020

@LonelyStardust94 Thanks. 🙏

understandingCamp1248 OP February 19th, 2020

@LonelyStardust94 Sounds exactly like what I'm going through. Really thankful to hear the experiences of others.

LonelyStardust94 February 19th, 2020

@understandingCamp1248 It truly is especially when you can't shake the feeling somethings missing. It has kept me from being able to form normal relationships, most people see me as mean or closed off. I have turned my heart to stone to survive.

understandingCamp1248 OP February 19th, 2020

@LonelyStardust94 Yeah, I have begun to alienate a lot of people as well. I don't know how to open up anymore.

understandingCamp1248 OP February 19th, 2020

@LonelyStardust94 I just try to escape the emptiness. It's overwhelming. I get distractions. T.v, talk to my few friends or do activities/errands.

LonelyStardust94 February 19th, 2020

@understandingCamp1248 I have a bad habit of seeking thrills. Sometimes I will provoke my Boyfriend so he will get mad at me or I will drink. If I dont keep busy I end up just going to sleep.

understandingCamp1248 OP February 19th, 2020

@LonelyStardust94 I'm easily bored. Sometimes I feel like it's others job to entertain me. My whole life is a lie. People like me and social. I laugh and dissemble. I don't let anyone in. I seem pretty, smart and have a good job. But I can't keep people in my life. The relationships aren't satisfying even when they stay. I want more always.

MrsHtruckerswife March 10th, 2020


I can relate. My mom refused to come to any wedding related things. And then shamed me for eloping. I havent spoken to her in months. I am now married and happy. But the things she done is still hurting me. [Removed by QuietMagic]

I remember the hair pulling. Pouring gasoline on me. The beatings. And then poof. The divorce and me sneaking out to try and have a teen life. My issues started young but what I have gone through has shaped me. Even thou CPS/DHS never removed me from the abusive household..i am a survivor. Growing up I failed to see how abusive she was but now as an adult i long for her to be there but i recognize the abuse. Emotional and mental abuse i had gone throu.

[Edited by @QuietMagic 11/20/21 to remove stigmatizing content]