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purpleSpring2870 February 12th, 2021

I’m just so frustrated cause my parents have giving me soooo much trauma and neglecting me and stuff, and like I’ve been in America now for 4 almost 5 years now but no one has noticed anything at all, like I’m not even trying to hide this shit. So all of my hopes that someone would help are completely gone and shattered, cause at this point I’m 18 in a few months so there’s not much of a point. I still just want to get help so bad though!!! But I can’t cause I have siblings to think about, my older sister had a similar experience to me but a little less bad for her, but I also have two younger siblings, which my parents are actually doing good with and stuff, and like I can’t put them through the trauma of being taken away from everything they know just cause I can’t wait a few more months. That would just be completely selfish of me and plus I’m already traumatized might as well keep the number of people with issues to a minimum. But like I just want someone to care so so so so badly and now I’ll never get that

ZeppelinsOverhead February 15th, 2021

@purpleSpring2870 Hey, Spring! I just want you to know someone read your post and sympathizes with you. I moved out of my parents' house without telling them as soon as I turned eighteen. Do you have plans to go somewhere when you can?

purpleSpring2870 OP February 16th, 2021

Thanks! I’m honestly not sure what to do once I’m 18, cause on one hand staying for a extra year would save money and I would be out of the house like 85% of the time cause of dance and a job, but also like I don’t want to stay and stuff. And like I’m kinda worried about leaving my brothers cause like they’re fine but I’ve always tried to be there for them to come to for anything, and try to let them know that no matter what happens I’ll always be there for them. But then again if I do move out I’ll only be 45 minutes to a hour away by car.... and I’m also trans and definitely not out to my parents so moving out would probably be better.... idk I still three months to decide, well and a little bit cause I need to get money, which I don’t think will end up being a problem just need to get a job, haven’t yet cause of covid stuff

Rurukri February 20th, 2021

Move out asap and go to therapy. Therapists aren't allowed to spread the info you tell them unless its like 'i plan on going on a murder spree' type of thing lmao. Sadly, idk what could you do for your siblings. Educate them on child abuse, tell them your experience and take them out of the house as much as you can, don't let them around abusers.

purpleSpring2870 OP February 21st, 2021

Thanks for the reply! Yep I really need to get back in therapy, dropped the last one cause she spilled something small to my mom and as soon as I figured out I immediately stopped the appointments. Sadly I’ve figured out being 17 doesn’t count for shit here. I finally made up my mind to move out tonight, so now I’m just solidifying my plans. Luckily one of my siblings is getting enrolled in a school soon instead of being homeschooled so I’m super happy about that! The other probably will be enrolled at the same place in a year or so. Hopefully I’ll be able to move in 7-8 weeks, if things go according to plan, which they should I tend to account for most variables... well thanks again for the advice, it really managed to get me to use my common sense. I wish you a good day/night!

Rurukri February 21st, 2021

happy to hear! I'm wishing the best for you! Hope your moving journey is going to be easy!