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Am I dramatic? Or traumatized?

JustABrush September 4th

When I was a little kid, like five and below really, I only remember a few things. I also remember that I was in foster care for awhile. Not sure how long, nobody will tell me- but possibly a year. It wasn't with a stranger, but with my mom's great step-aunt instead. Note, the woman, who I'll refer to as 'Lauren'(not her real name), is now deemed at least somewhat insane and unstable at least. I lived with her, all of her other foster kids, and her husband, my actual great uncle. I don't remember him at all, only her really. 

In their house, I can only describe it as the worst period of my life honestly. I only remember two other kids there, a boy and a girl. The girl was sweet to me at least, I only ever remember her smiling at me. But the boy can only be described as a hellspawn honestly. 

I was held down as he put my toys, little plastic hello kitty toys in the oven, which my mother had given me- and had to watch them melt.

I had my hand pressed down on a hot burner to learn 'not to touch it', his way of helping me, apparently. 

I don't remember much else from him, other than his constant smile and laugh honestly. Just rubs me the wrong way when I try to think about it. 

Not sure how to process all this, considering nobody will talk to me about it, and it's not really the first case of someone in my family lashing out physically. My aunt, while only 14 when I was a kid, had been abusive- to the point of force feeding me a cup of ants, (one of those red party ones), and chasing me in my grandmothers house to hit me. Of course, everybody defends her, since she was 'just a kid', and blamed me for my young mother's spiral into depression and drug use.(My mother had been seventeen when I was born as a reference, my father in his twenties. Apparently they were both drunk, but that's not what this story is about.)

I'm just conflicted on how to feel, if it's something I should just drop because I'm being dramatic or what. It was in the past and I live with my dad now, and I just don't know if I should keep shoving all this down or actually discuss it like this.

adventurousBranch3786 September 5th

@JustABrush. It doesn’t sound to me like you are being overly dramatic. Those sound like some very difficult and traumatic that you wrote about. 

JustABrush OP September 6th

@adventurousBranch3786 Oh. Well dang. That's probably something I shouldn't brush over then honestly like I've been doing :/