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Adult in the Real World

bubbleLemon4408 October 31st, 2021

hi i’m not really sure what to write but i’m trying to practice opening up more. i’ve started emdr therapy recently to help with my cptsd and it’s been bringing up some pretty heavy stuff and memories from my childhood. i started having reoccurring, vivid nightmares again and some flashbacks of things i haven’t been able to remember for a long time.

the last few days have been particularly hard and it’s been hard to really get any work done (i’m a senior in college w/ a part time job + some freelance work on the side) and when i have a particularly hard day or week or month it just makes me worry that i won’t be able to be an “adult in the real world”.

does anyone or has anyone felt like this? what do you do/what have you done to help deal with feeling like your mental illnesses will eventually take over and destroy your life?

adventurousBranch3786 November 1st, 2021

@bubbleLemon4408 It sounds like you are already a real adult to me, working and going to school at the same time! Trauma therapy can be very hard and intense (I have done it too). I have had a lot of mental health ups and downs I try not to be so hard on myself and look for help/support when I need it to get me thru. I try to do self care and relaxing activities also. I tell myself I have made it thru these challenges before and I can do it again.