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Road to happiness

ang110206 March 14th, 2023

It hurts. I'm not gonna lie, it really does. Im pushing everyone away, it seems like the only thing I'm good at is staying behind and watching people leave. I was here in this position once, and I got out but barely because I just tried to ignore it and leave it alone and I didnt know what to do. But now that im here again, I dont wanna stay here in these emotions forever. I want to do something about it. I want to talk to someone but i dont know how. It seems like everyone in my life as soon as i need them are more distant than ever. Am i surrounded by the right people? Am i making the right decisions? I dont know. All i know is that i hope i can make it out of this again. I dont hope. I know i will. It just really sucks because ive lost passion and now i have pain. I know this is probably relatable to so many out there, so i just wanna say to keep fighting because at the end of the long road of pain, theres where your happily ever after lies.

amiablePeace77 March 14th, 2023


The road to happiness can be bumpy! Good that you know you can make it out of this again. Never loose this trust in yourself ❤️

Our emotions can become overwhelming at times and make us feel lost and hopeless. Sharing what you are going through with someone can help

This is a self-help guide to

Here are 2 questions 1 like to ask myself when feeling down:

What kind of activity does help you usually to feel better? When did you have fun last time?

peachMap135 March 15th, 2023

Well I think that by coming on here to talk about it is one of the best things you can do to help yourself not be as low as you felt in the past

jessbess913 March 16th, 2023

Keep pushing! Try guided journaling, and if everybody who calls themselves “friends” leave you when you need them most, you most definitely need a new group of friends! One amazing friend is better than 5 good ones. Keep your head held high, life is so freaking hard, I myself am battling inner battles, but we got this!

Ash0701 March 16th, 2023


You got this! Don't give up. I do understand everything that you are saying. I have sadly gotten to the point that I walk through life feeling numb. It's as if I know what is happening isn't right, and I know it is not healthy, but what would once cause a reaction out of me now doesn't phase me. Whether its good or bad, I feel no difference. It may sound awesome to an empath, because I am an empath and I remember thinking I wished I wasn't as sensitive to things. But its not enjoyable at all, because my feelings are what pushed me and now I've lost that will to move forward with my life. I am sorry I didn't mean to change this to be about me, I just want you to know that your not alone. We got this!

courageousTurtle8066 March 17th, 2023

I am in same place.

Tell family to step away. Seek advice from us.

Today I told family. WhatsApp signal Skype. Offline for 7days.

I have 7 brothers 2 sisters. I only want to listen to my therapist. She told me to shut down judgement Communication from Family for 7 day. This is day one. And thought this is weird... Been 12hrs and wow. Uninstall all apps... And I can breath!. Time to disconnect works so far.

synergysaga March 28th, 2023

So relatable, pretty lame feelings and it sucks that it feels like that in life but i think thats what helps us understand the good feelings too, its something to relate to something that allows me to feel alive or something at least. Its like no matter how hard i work i keep going under >.< and i lose more money than keep. And people are just annoyed with me. Its just not my time yet. But ive been trying to learn so much, but its like ive gotten no where

amiablePeace77 March 28th, 2023


Sorry to hear that your efforts did not reach the results you needed, this can be very frustrating. Please do not give up, you will get there. I like to make this quote

When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" Edison replied, "I didn't fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."

I liked that you mentioned understanding our good feelings in life, that's something very important!

admirableBubbles6242 April 8th, 2023

I wish you great love in your journey