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New to the community

Love220 July 24th

Hello everyone,

I'm new to the community. I'm a clinical psychologist by the way and a listener as well on 7 Cups. I wanted to share that I got a good experience from listening to people here which added to my career as a therapist.

I write articles about mental health and arts as well. Looking forward to sharing them soon with you.

Have a nice day!



It is so great to hear how being a listener here had added value to your career as a therapist too. And yuss, looking forward to see you share more of your art and experiences here!💛

Love220 OP July 25th


Thanks sun :)

fwog0017 July 25th

@Love220 hii!

Love220 OP July 25th

@fwog0017 hello!

amiablePeace77 July 24th


Welcome to 7cups and the community, glad to have you here as a listener and member Nice to hear that listening on the site helped you to improve as a therapist! I look forward to seeing you more in the forums. 

Love220 OP July 25th


Thanks amiable :)

Tinywhisper11 July 25th

@Love220 hi I'm lola ❤ welcome to our cups family ❤thank you for donating your time here as a listener, can't wait to hear more from you ❤ gives you a giant tiny welcoming hug ❤

Love220 OP July 25th

@Tinywhisper11 thanks lola ❤️ nice to meet you ❤️

rachel0707 July 25th

wow that’s amazing! any tips for psychology students to improve their skills and be better at listening and empathizing?

Love220 OP July 25th

@rachel0707 Hello,

There are many tips but for listening I recommend organizing the interactive studying materials: videos, face-to-face classes, and books. Having the information heard and written can assure it more. Empathizing can depend on the teacher as some of them are well-educated to the point they can empathize with their students. I hope this helps.

Love220 OP July 25th

@Love220 they can join APA societies on its website to get toolkits and inventories which they can practise until they are graduated so they can have a great experience in test application and scoring.

rachel0707 July 25th

thank you so much! i also meant tips for listening and empathizing with people like here on 7 cups and with friends etc

rachel0707 July 25th

thank you so much! i also meant any tips for listening and empathizing with people like here on 7 cups and with friends etc?

Love220 OP July 25th

@rachel0707 well in general we don't have to act as psychologists when we listen to members on cups, but there was a guide for the listener training when we were practicing how to be a listener. It includes a warm salutation and accepting the member as he/she is, and a good addition as a psychologist is being aware and understanding of the symptoms of their disorders and their problems. Let me know if I have to clarify more. 

rachel0707 July 25th

thank you so much for your response. if you don’t mind, could you be more clear on how we can react to somebody’s situation or their venting in a supportive way without sounding too neutral or being barely helpful?

Love220 OP July 25th

@rachel0707 I think we can ask or comment on the details with positivity like if they think their self-image is bad, we can assure them that they are good. When someone for example says that they struggle with financial issues, we can comment on the details of the story they narrate about, like: how could you face this financial situation? What do you expect yourself to do to overcome the situation? Do you need to talk more about it? Can you clarify more to me to understand the situation? (We are not supposed to with finding solutions as the listening instructions say). I hope this helps.

rachel0707 July 26th

ah thank you so much! this is helpful


@Love220 Welcome! I’m looking forward to your contributions.

Can you possibly message me on your listener account?

Love220 OP July 25th

@LovingPeacefulHeart Hello heart, thank you. Sure no problem.

Love220 OP July 25th

@LovingPeacefulHeart I can't see a send a message icon on your profile from my listener account.


@love220 that’s strange.


@Love220 will you post anything from your listener account?

cake7658 July 25th


Love220 OP July 25th

@cake7658 thanks

Kempeeoceanaaa July 26th

Hello I would like to chat

seaturtle54 July 26th

Welcome! I’m also just getting started in the community and I’m so happy to be in it with amazing professionals like you!! I hope to work in the mental health field someday so this is so inspiring 😊💗

Love220 OP July 26th

@seaturtle54 Hi turtle, thanks for welcoming me. I'm glad to meet you :)

spiritonsinus July 26th


Very happy to see more and more people coming forward to do good.

Take care

Love220 OP July 26th

@spiritonsinus hello sinus, thanks a lot! Nice to meet you

TheSunParadox33 July 26th

Welcome and thanks for taking the time to listen to us as well as provide a professional response!

Love220 OP July 27th

@TheSunParadox33 thanks for your kindness

Lolowise475 July 27th


Love220 OP July 27th

@Lolowise475 thank you

competentTruth3079 July 27th

@Love220 That's awesome, what got you started down the path of psychology? I just like listening and supporting and I dream about Freud on occasion. Is it a fixation? Idk.

Love220 OP July 28th

@competentTruth3079 I started when I was in high school by reading about psychology (typically brain and behavioral sciences as well). I enrolled in a clinical psychology major in college and graduated. Now I work in a psychiatric ward. Having sessions with patients and talking about their problems with a strategic approach using kinds of therapy like cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, emotionally focused therapy, and so on. 

competentTruth3079 July 28th

@Love220 Amazing! That's a really fascinating progression. Those are powerful skillsets. I hope you're taking care of yourself as well, easy to forget ourselves in the process. The only burn out I like is at a car show.

Love220 OP July 28th

@competentTruth3079 of course. I'm trying to differentiate between work and self care.

competentTruth3079 July 28th

@Love220 I sound like a concerned mother. 😹💯 Sending you all the positive energy I can. And an emotional forcefield to protect your own. Playing pretend is as real as the mind itself. 

Love220 OP July 28th

@competentTruth3079 you are so kind, thanks for caring :D ❤️
