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Hello, I'm new to the this Sub-community :D

RelicCube April 20th, 2023

Hi, I'm RelicCube and I'm a 38 male. my challenges in the present time I'm trying to work on my codependency, trauma, some traits of lying to myself and others, manipulation, and avoidance. some other challenges are lacking active listening and communication skills. Sometimes I come off ignorant online or dead silent in IRL. I've avoided and lost relationships because of avoiding opening up and being honest. I came to 7 cups middle of last month but I've been using this site actively for the last 3 weeks or so to start on the path to recovery and be more healthy toward myself and others.

It's good to be here with you all!😊

amiablePeace77 April 21st, 2023


Welcome to 7cups and the online therapy sub-com. We are glad that you joined us. 💙 Having difficulties to interact with others can make it very difficult to establish new relationships and bond with other people. I hope that coming here and joining events like discussions and open chats will help you to open up step by step. You have done the first step on your path already by reaching out, keep going! We are here to support you.

Here are some links which might be helpful to you:

Free self-help guides

Discussion for 50+ and mindfulness

I look forward to see you around in the forums or discussions/open chats 😊

soulsings April 22nd, 2023

@RelicCube welcome to the Therapy Commnity and 7 Cups. Hope you find what you are looking for.

RelicCube OP April 22nd, 2023

like most of us, if not like all got a long-life journey ahead, and thank you all for your welcome and forthcoming support 😁

soulsings April 22nd, 2023

@RelicCube you are welcome

LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS April 25th, 2023


Welcome! :) We are so glad you are here with us at 7 Cups.

Want more personalized guidance? Check out my profile
RelicCube OP April 26th, 2023


Thank you! :D

GJBW April 26th, 2023

I'm new as of today.

It's interesting bc I have the opposite problem. I talk too much and often make people uncomfortable. I always think I'm being friendly and I ask lots of questions but apparently, I come off as pedantic at times. I now have a fear of talking to anyone, so then I shut down like you do and I'm then ridiculed for that as well. I don't understand when or how I go wrong. Regardless of which way the pendulum swings ... the root of the problem may be attributed to insecurity.... but what do I know? I'm struggling every day same as you.

amiablePeace77 April 27th, 2023


Welcome to 7cups online therapy community GJBW. Nice that you are here with us! Feeling insecure can impact many aspects of our life. I hope you will find the support you are looking for on this site.

GJBW April 26th, 2023


Theres a difference between depending on others, and being codependent - so make sure you know the difference.

Trauma: Most people have experienced trauma. It definitely shapes who have become, but we can choose to use it to make us stronger or we can allow it diminish us.

Lies: Everyone lies. what sounds great about you, is that you already know and admit it to yourself. Thats the first step. The next step is to tell others we lied to them and to remedy the lies we told ourselves.

Manipulation: If you mean you intentionally manipulate others then try to get to the root of why - why cant you just ask for what you want instead of resorting to that.

Avoidance: Yes. Thats what we do when we half all those other thoughts and worries in our head. Once the other things are dealt with… you won’t need to avoid anyone or any situation.

Lacking listening: Sometimes when too much is spiraling in our own head it’s hard to listen to anything else bc it just sounds like noise. Maybe try re-reading what I just sent you and respond…. You’ve got to put effort in to listen. Always.