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Day 20: Recipes for Relaxation

SoulfullyAButterfly December 25th, 2023

This month, 7 Cups launched video and audio therapy! To celebrate, we’re doing 25 days of Gratitude, Self-Care and Personal Growth. Read more here.


Regular relaxation not only alleviates stress but also rejuvenates both your body and mind, contributing to improved health, clearer thinking, and increased productivity. Let's face it, the world would undoubtedly be a better place if we all took the time to relax!

What's interesting is that everyone's recipe for relaxation is unique. For some, it might involve reading a good book with a cup of tea, while for others it might be going for a run or meditating. Often these methods interchange and mix, creating a 'cocktail' of wellness unique to each individual.

We encourage you to share your own 'Recipe for Relaxation' - the personal combination of activities, routines, and rituals that help you unwind, reduce stress, and boost mental wellbeing. It doesn't matter how simple, elaborate, common, or unusual your recipe is. 

To Participate:

1. Share your favorite way to relax and why it works for you.

2. Have you tried any new relaxation techniques recently? What was your experience?

3. Describe your perfect 'day of relaxation.' What would that look like? 

We look forward to simmering away stress with your delightful Recipes for Relaxation!

crypticwhisperss1 December 25th, 2023


Hello, Butterfly! I truly believe in the transformative power of relaxation recipes, as they grant us a profound understanding of the diverse strategies that can help us find solace during difficult times. 💖

1. Share your favorite way to relax and why it works for you.

When it comes to relaxation, there's nothing quite like immersing myself in nature. Whether it's taking a leisurely walk or simply sitting by the beach, being surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the natural world has a magical way of soothing my mind. The fresh air, gentle sounds, and serenity of nature work wonders in helping me unwind and find the inner peace that I need when I am dealing with challenges. 🌎💐

2. Have you tried any new relaxation techniques recently? What was your experience?

Lately, I have been exploring mindfulness meditation as a new relaxation technique, and it has been an absolutely delightful experience! I was pleasantly surprised by how it allowed me to to tap into a sense of present-moment awareness and cultivate a deep sense of calm. It was a unique experience of focusing on my breath and observing my thoughts without judgment. It has enhanced my relaxation skills and reminded me of the importance of slowing down amidst the busyness of life. 💙

3. Describe your perfect 'day of relaxation.' What would that look like?

I love this question! Honestly, my perfect 'day of relaxation' would start with a blissful morning while I am sipping on freshly iced coffee. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the usual stress and demands of school, I would approach the day with a renewed sense of calm and curiosity. It would be an honor to read the captivating pages of my favorite psychology book in the morning.

During classes, I would actively engage in discussions and soak up knowledge from teachers. I would embrace the mindset of growth and learning that I learned on this platform rather than succumbing to pressures. And during breaks, I would find moments to recharge and refocus. Perhaps I would find a quiet spot in the school library to meditate or practice deep breathing exercises so that I can reset and regain clarity. 

Finally, as the day wears down, I would manage my homework then enjoy a cozy evening at home while I am watching a horror movie or listening to inspirational podcasts. It would feel amazing to relish a homemade meal, take a calming bubble bath, and spend quality time with my family. This will help melt down my remaining stress and rejuvenate my spirit for the next day! 😁🌸

~ Xaverie 


Positron2 December 25th, 2023

I took the title of this post literally: A recipe

Dec 1, 2020A warm ruby red mulled wine packed with enough cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger to make the whole house smell like the holidays.

    • 2 cinnamon sticks, broken into pieces
    • 1 tsp. cardamom pods
    • 1 small piece ginger, peeled
    • Zest of ½ orange
    • 6 whole cloves
    • ½ cup vodka (optional)
    • 1 - 750-ml bottle dry red wine
    • 1 cup ruby port or Madeira
    • 1 cup granulated sugar
    • 1 Tbsp. vanilla sugar
    • ½ blanched whole almonds
    • ½ cup dark raisins
Positron2 December 25th, 2023

@Positron2 ooops

The recipe is for Swedish Glögg

KatePersephone December 26th, 2023


1. Share your favorite way to relax and why it works for you.

My favorite way to relax is to sleep because i get rest + wake up feeling better

2. Have you tried any new relaxation techniques recently? What was your experience?

I have not, no :O

3. Describe your perfect 'day of relaxation.' What would that look like? 

I would be at home reading, talking to friends, having nice food, listening to music/watching youtube!