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Addiction!Write your addiction journey whether you are in/recovering/overcame

NaavyaThePrincess February 8th

When we say addiction, our mind automatically goes to addiction in the form of drugs,alcohol,smoke but according to me addiction should also include for example -addiction to sweets , so share addiction in any form,write your thoughts 

Snowy00 February 8th


Hiya Navy it's nice to meet you! My name is Kayla.😊 I am a recovering addict, my sober date is June 8th, 2021. So almost 3 years now. My main addictions were Alcohol and Cocaine. But my other addictions were Codependency and Sex. The program that I worked, Celebrate Recovery, believes that all people have an addiction of some kind. We call them Hurts, Hangups, and Habits. So I agree with you! Addiction isn't just alcohol or drugs, it can be anything that someone uses excessively in order to escape their feelings that causes issues and isn't healthy within their day to day lives.

NaavyaThePrincess OP February 9th

@KaylaMaulfair Absolutely agreed here and that’s what I want to convey here addiction can be in any form, overuse of anything is not good, for example overfeeding a fish will harm the fish,same way goes for us. Have you recovered from any form of addiction? What I want is I want people should share here without the fear of getting judged. It can be good for self too. Sometimes it’s not us ,situations make us do certain things and we know it’s wrong but still we do it,hence we get confused and that’s lead to frustration inside us which leads to bad behaviour and later on we regret it. So, share ,share and help yourself. I maybe wrong but that’s my intention 

Snowy00 February 9th


Yes I’m almost 3 years sober from all addictions. ♥️ You will find no judgement from me! I don’t have any room to judge anyone and it definitely isn’t my place to. 

CurryChocolate February 9th

Hey there, I'm very proud of your sobriety of 3 years, congratulations! I also cope with alcohol and cocaine addiction and relapsed last week. However, it felt awful doing it and I guess by typing this down I want to remind myself that it was not worth it at all. Can I maybe talk to you sometimes about the struggles of dealing with this kind of addiction?

NaavyaThePrincess OP February 11th

@CurryChocolate Yes,absolutely this forum is for that only . I deeply understand. So,be open ,treat it like your virtual diary. 

Raku123 February 23rd

I am suffering from porn addiction and loneliness, seeking help here.

NaavyaThePrincess OP March 4th

@Raku123 …

pulkit2527 March 15th

@Raku123 Hi. Hope you're having a good day. I am not a professional but I would like to say that there are a few ways I am trying to cope up with the same. The first thing you need to understand is porn is one of those things which should not be limited but actually cut off totally (at least I think so, other opinions are always welcome). You should try going out more. Now I know it sounds like a problem going outside and hanging out if youre lonely. Just start by going to a nearby park or any calm place. Try to incorporate a bunch of new habits that can replace this addiction. For me , some habits are reading, writing , drawing, and animating. I am still trying to deal with this addiction so I might not be entirely right about all I just said. I believe in you and I think you will do good .

@pulkit2527. Do yal like umm gfs? I’m not I’m not addicted to porn but like I’m with someone that is . Like he rather watch porn 

alixec020508 February 27th

I have an addiction to many different drugs. I have never got help but I have been working to stop by myself. every time I think I am close or think that I have made it I relapse and it gets worse than it was before. it doesn't help that the only person that i have that is there for me fr is addicted to and is not trying to stop at all or any time soon.

NaavyaThePrincess OP March 4th

@alixec020508, ……… I do feel that ,it’s tough 

SereneOceanWaves4 April 6th

Hi! It’s sounds like you are dealing with a lot. Feel free to message me anytime you need to talk to someone :)

pinkPlace3625 May 7th

I'm the same cocaine weed and cocodamols (Ive had sciatica for 27 years from an accident)I try so hard and think I'm getting there then bang after a few weeks I relapse again. I've isolated myself from everyone as everyone I know does it now I'm lonely, and in too much pain to go gym or out anywhere the only thing keeping me going is my kids well I only have one now the girls have moved out. And I feel so guilty I cant take him places.

@alixec020508 . I kno what you mean but u gotta try to focus on You 

brightAcres4920 March 13th


yes, there are many addictions rather than drugs and alcohol. And I can tell you that. I have an addiction to YouTube. I tried so hard to overcome it, but still I can’t 

NaavyaThePrincess OP March 20th

@brightAcres4920, yes that’s an addiction,but you can do it.

ScarecrowBuddy29 March 19th

@naavyanaavya I have a really bad addiction to sweets, and just sugar of all kinds. I only buy sugary things for myself, and I'd say the I rarely eat healthy, if I eat at all. :')

NaavyaThePrincess OP March 20th

@ScarecrowBuddy29, have you checked out your stress levels,sometimes too much of stress can be made easy by having dessert 🍮. And it’s you can always get started when you feel like,don’t stop,eat but have a one meal of healthy diet

SerenelyClean March 24th

Hello, well as a lifelong addict I would like to say, we never overcome addiction per say, we can get it into remission (recovery) but we can never get rid of addiction. That's something that is hardwired into our brains and will for life. That's why everyday is always a work in progress, because when we stop doing the work, we backside. Anyways, I am going to be celebrating 1 year clean on April 30th. I've battled with meth and alcoholism in the past, as well as chronically using everything I could in my younger years. Then when I had kids that came to a stop. However, 12 years ago I was in an accident, and my doctor put me on oxycontin. I was on that for 3.5 years. However when my doctor got in trouble for over prescribing narcotics, I among many others were cut off cold turkey. Never once was I told addiction or dependency were a risk, never once was the term withdrawal even used. I legit thought I was dying. Looking for help, when someone I knew told me what was happening to me... that day was the first time I ever did heroin, and that was also the point at which my entire life fell apart. I could not manage my use with herpin, it was so out of control so fast. And with my previous medical work history, injecting was easy for me, and the most cost effective method. I lost everything, my job, my house, my kids, myself. I tried getting g clean many time to no avail. I would have short periods clean using suboxone but never lasted long. Then about 3.5 years ago, fentanyl took over heroin, you couldn't even get heroin here If u tried. So my addiction turned into fentanyl addiction. Let me tell you, I thought heroin was hard OMG trying to get off fentanyl was unlike anything I've ever experienced and I almost died during detox. And would have had I not been admitted to the hospital. Anyways, I tried and tried and tried but couldn't get clean, until one day, for the first time in my life, i overdosed. It took 4 doses of narcan over the course of 9 minutes to get me breathing on my own again. And the struggles I faced after the fact due to brain hypoxia were even worse. Needless to say, (long story short) I did what I had to do to get clean. Regardless what it took. And here I am, with just shy of an entire year clean from EVERYTHING. It isn't easy, and tbh, sobriety for me is more often than not, miserable because I have co occurring mental health stuff (CPTSD and GAD) and all of that hit me 10 fold... so learning to manage sober has been anything but easy for me. Everyone keeps telling me it will get better and I hope it does. But I can say this, I'm grateful for not waking up dope sick, I'm grateful that I have money to use on things I need or want versus being broke all the time and having to pawn everything just to get well. I have my kids back in my life, and I'm slowly getting there, one day at a time. Excited for 4/30 to come when I get to celebrate that first year clean.

pinkPlace3625 May 7th

You are amazing to get through what you did. Doctors dont care what happens to us really, they just dish out pills like they're sweets. X

NaavyaThePrincess OP August 28th

@SerenelyClean,Your confession is such a big thing , you are great and will always be great. You don’t need any one but the important person is you . Go out for a cup of coffee alone and let’s see .

AGentleGlow April 8th

So I used to have an unhealthy relationship with drink. I'm 4 years sober, but often have flashbacks to some awful things I said or did. It's really daunting, but it's motivation to never drink again. It ruined friendships and relationships. I was at fault. I still feel bad to this day, but always try to be a better person. I hope I am doing that now ❤️

NaavyaThePrincess OP August 28th

@AGentleGlow,you are doing it and will be able to do it 🤩👌🏻🏅

Darkhorizon67 April 10th

I know someone who has an addiction to me. How can we help create boundaries?

pleHfOdeeNnI April 13th

Tried talking directly to them abt it? That if they aren't a dangerous person ofc mentioning this just to be sure

NaavyaThePrincess OP August 28th

@Darkhorizon67,tell them you respect them but ignore them ? Maybe 

tornwillow April 10th

Is it bad I am in denial and with this, think am doing fine.

Been 6months since last used ice…wow….that’s gone quickly.

I don’t miss it

I don’t want it

i don’t intend on …anything….I still love him though. The guy I met who has been trapped in cycle and fell down web with. I only use when with him and we have been apart for over 6yrs.

NaavyaThePrincess OP August 28th

@tornwillow,sorry I am too naive to understand this but everything is okay 👌🏻 

tornwillow August 29th

Not naive

appreciate your support so much xx

TooMuchOrNotAtAll April 10th


I guess for me, it's caffeine, fighting and working. I have three and occasional odd jobs on the side. I like to keep moving. I drink an excessive amount of caffeine (coffee, tea, energy drinks) every day. Despite my best efforts to stay busy and professional, I do end up with free time once in a while and in that time I end up getting into fights with random strangers. I don't start it but I don't take the out. I've come close to getting arrested a couple times because of this problem. I've distanced myself from relatives and friends. It's usually worse in the summer.

I cut down on the caffeine, I get more moody and can't sleep. I try to slow down at work and I lose my patience faster. I avoid a fight and I keep playing it over and over in my head, *** that I left something unresolved. I end up breaking something or getting into an argument with someone who doesn't deserve it.

I'm an a-hole. I started working out and I overdo that too. I haven't gotten used to listening to my body when it tries to tell me to stop. The negative reinforcement/ withdrawal I feel when I try to quit. I'm actually very happy alcohol and coke and other stuff never appealed to me, because I'd probably get hooked on that too. I guess that's addiction.

NaavyaThePrincess OP August 28th

@TooMuchOrNotAtAll YES ,YOU CAN DO IT !!! Thank you for the confession 🏅💓

EliMaple87 April 10th

I've been smoking weed for 7 years. But for the last 3.5 years I've been smoking everyday, from around 9am to around 8pm. 

I've been planning to quit for sometime but it wasn't top priority on my busy lifestyle as a parent of two kids and dog. It's way challenging when you have no family support living abroad.

Now that everything is more stable I was able to start tampering and I'm currently going to throw everything in the garbage right now.

NaavyaThePrincess OP August 28th

@EliMaple87 Wohoooooooooo,congratulations 🌸🌸🌸💛💛💚💚🌹💚💚💗💗💗💓💓💓❤️❤️❤️🤩🤩, Gives you a medal 🏅. 

pleHfOdeeNnI April 13th

Addiction to phone screen? Or would not being able to function at all without music playing from anywhere at all times counts? If Yes I have it

NaavyaThePrincess OP August 28th

@pleHfOdeeNnIm that counts,phone but not music 🎼 

XoxoxKay April 19th

Im addicted to smoking in general but I”ve been smoking weed everyday for about 2 years now and I never wanted to quit idk if I ever will

NaavyaThePrincess OP August 28th

@XoxoxKay ,okay 

raspberrywriter444 April 24th

Hey, I’ve been sober from crystal meth for 2 months today. You are 100% right that addiction isn’t just substances. For anyone here reading this and struggling with an addiction or staying sober, my best advice to you is to take it day by day. Some days are definitely harder then others so if you can’t even take it day by day; take it minute by minute. It does get easier, I promise you that. Taking that first step is the hardest part but after that each day that goes by gets easier and easier. I believe in you and ALWAYS remember that a relapse does NOT erase all your hard work. It’s a minor setback not a failure. Setbacks happen don’t hate yourself for it either. Also remember you are loved and people do care ❤️ If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m always here to listen.

NaavyaThePrincess OP August 28th

@raspberrywriter444, woooooowww that’s the whole point of my thread . You just helped me more. I have seen people being addicted to sweets . And it can be anything , the first step is always write it down and without being judged . We shall overcome it. Writing down doesn’t help that much but it does help a little 

abrose May 6th

Hi my name is Rose and ive been struggling with a weed addiction. i know weed is a silly little drug but its still a drug and has harmed me in ways that any other addiction would, ive been trying to get clean but i dont know where to start. what do i do without it? it seems like theres nothing out there to, not necessarily, replace but something to support me like it did at one point