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Going on Nine months

MoonlitSunflower May 21st, 2021

Ive been battling alcoholism for 7 years now. I cant say why I stopped but Im glad I did. Eight months sober going on nine & today I folded my basket full of laundry instead of leaving it wherever it landed to dig through the next day for something to wear. It seems like such a small feat but one I hadn’t done for myself in years. Its been such a slow recovery but Im doing it without AA cus its religion based & religion upsets me, I guess it would be a trigger for me cus I grew up religious &almost joined a cult. I also cant afford therapy right now so instead I read about physiological therapy, buddhism, even some of Sigmund Freud’s journals translated by someone I can’t remember right now. Anyways, Im just in disbelief cus a day like today is something I used to only dream of. Where a small chore like folding clothes felt like every shirt weighed 100+ lbs, where even the thought was exhausting & I just drank to not think about it . But now, it just felt like I was going with the flow. Ugh I prayed, begged & bargained for a day where things like this didnt feel like a drag & with a lot of hard work its finally coming to fruition. I am & will forever be grateful to the universe for all its lessons. I will never take the small thing like folding a shirt for granted ever again! I just wanted to share this joyous moment with the people who can understand & know where Im coming from. Where I hope each and every one of us struggling will be at one day. Dont stop, dont give up on your recovery, each day it gets better. Im honestly in shock that Ive made it this far at all, but I am........ its so surreal......🌻

Listeningsarinn May 21st, 2021

I’m truly proud of you! So so sooo proud of you! Not only managing to reach a nine months sober milestone, which is such a huge huge great thing to do, but doing that on your own which is even a bigger achievement, still coming to that day where daily to does are easier tasks, to be done with the flow, no more that heavy, nearly impossible to accomplish goals! These are big, really big beautiful steps and I’m so proud of you And thanks a lot for sharing this here, reading it can give someone else hope to keep trying on one of those hard days when hope seems to be nowhere to be found!

MoonlitSunflower OP May 21st, 2021

Thabk you so much, you have no idea how much that means to me. Im glad I found this community. I dont think I would be able to do it without the wonderful ppl on 7 cups. Really, thank you. ❤️

Listeningsarinn May 23rd, 2021


*hugs and high fives* keep going and being amazing!❤