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My rank dropped contrary to everyone’s expectations

ryxlyy January 21st, 2023

I would really appreciate to hear your thoughts about this entry 💗

I am currently a senior, a candidate for valedictorian.

I was first place during the first term grading but my rank dropped to second place. I thought I was okay at first.

sSome teachers were shocked about my rank and were worried about my reaction to it. I was the only one the congratulated as a form of comfort. I didn’t understand it but slowly I realized that I may be receiving pity.

The teachers, my classmates, batchmates, schoolmates, friends and family saw how hard I worked.

while I was at school, I studied everywhere and during my free time. I studied at the school bathroom, canteen, waiting area, and also while walking and eating.

there were times I barely ate and barely slept just to study and complete tasks.

I know that no one is mocking my hard work but because of my previous school’s bullying, I started to think they’re mocking me like, “she works so hard but she still isn’t first” or “she’s a try hard”

im afraid that the rank I thought I could appreciate just become another source for mocking although that didn’t happen (yet idk)

I was never confident with my abilities to begin with, I also don’t regret working hard since I think I’m not naturally smart. I just don’t wanna go back to the point where I feel ashamed that I worked so hard only to achieve so little or far from peoples expectations. I’m also a people pleaser just to make it worse.

the reason why I failed is about so many things; from my uncooperative, unresponsive, and always absent research groupmates, exerting my body to practice the dance for a school activity even thought my health is not that good to begin with

my first reason would be when I received the first place though. I’ve always found recognition ceremonies unpleasant. I loved learning itself, I didn’t study to be recognized. But when I received first place, that’s when I felt pressure and I didn’t find studying as an enjoyable activity but rather as a necessity.

there was a scholarship in our school that if we were first place last school year then we didn’t have to pay tuition, I contacted about the school about that scholarship because I was hoping for the tiniest possibility. I really wanted to ease our family’s financial burden even for a bit.

it turned out that I was second place, and the first place from last year got the scholarship.

I don’t resent her and I do think she deserves it. I just felt bad for my single mom that I wasn’t able to get that opportunity for her even though she never pressured me about it or about my studies.

I was able to be first place this school years first term while the first place from last school year got second. I won’t lie, I’d admit that I’m jealous that she got scholarship benefits and there was also a part of me that wished she would give me the first place spot since she was able to get the free tuition benefit already. The thought was absurd and I hated myself for thinking those thoughts.

so now I’m second place, I’m quite relieved but also sad. I didn’t let it show at school nor did I appreciate the what I assumed as outright pity regardless of their kind intentions.

I just don’t wanna regret working hard even if I wasn’t able to reach expectations.

I also wanna stop thinking that I would be mocked or attacked behind my back. I don’t wanna be ridiculed for working hard and not achieving what they thought I would. I wanna move the trauma my previous school gave me. I missed the me that was able to receive kind intentions well but now I start to be suspicious about everyone since the very people I trusted before were the one who hurt me the most..

thanks for reading this, I hope your wishes come true and live a happy healthy peaceful life.

Jaeteuk January 23rd, 2023

You have a very thoughtful heart, wanting to get first place to ease the tuition fees for your mum. Seeing how she doesn't pressure you though, do feel more relief about getting second place only. First or second place, it sounds like you've done your very best. Studying at all times except when you're sleeping, that's already pretty impressive in itself.

You need to work on not self-doubting yourself, and building confidence. I know it's difficult to not have all these thoughts about yourself when you're a people-pleaser and that everyone you interact with, all have high expectations of you. Just remember, you is already trying your very best, being in Top 3 is already a feat that you should be very proud of. To be able to get first place again, will be a bonus. Just continue with what you have been doing and you'll be fine. No one will look down on you for getting only second place. Try not to worry about others may think about you. Everyone stands alone, and only represents themselves. The results reflect our efforts, so as long as you've given your best effort, whatever the outcome is, that is the best YOU already!


ryxlyy OP January 28th, 2023

Thank you. I’m really happy to hear that 😭😭 @jaettuk

ryxlyy OP January 28th, 2023
