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Found out friends are cheating

mangowango28 March 3rd, 2022

Hi, this is my first thread!

I’m a senior in high school, and I’m in Intro to Computer Science. My class made a Discord server to have fun and talk outside of class. But, lately, they’ve started sending homework/project answers in the server. I do not cheat, and I don’t want to get in trouble for something I’m not doing. If I leave the server, then they might assume I don’t like them/don’t want to talk to them anymore. If I don’t leave or report the cheating, then they may get found out — pulling me into their cheating. I genuinely don’t know what to do here because I don’t want to report them or get in trouble myself. Does anyone have any advice or know who I can ask about this without them suspecting that I’m cheating too? Thank you!!

wonderfulRainbow817 March 8th, 2022

Hi @mangowango28. It sounds like good intentions have gone awry. While I can't give advice it does sound like you know your options:

1) Continue being on the server and not look at the answers and hope no one gets caught

2) Leave the server and risk them noticing

3) Leave the server and report the cheating

4) Leave the server, risk them noticing, but holding head up high that you aren't a cheater

And maybe there are other options I am not picking up on. It truly comes down to what you want to accomplish and how you want to do that.

mangowango28 OP March 8th, 2022

Thank you for the clarity! That kind of summary definitely helps to put it in perspective. :)

Jaeteuk March 19th, 2022

What have you ended up doing?

I asked a colleague who's into Computer Programming, she said that your teacher should be able to tell who has done what. Each student needs to log-in to the server, and whatever each student has put into it, will be traced through their IP Address. So, you most likely don't really need to report how the other students are cheating. Your teacher will be able to see when he/she access the server. Only make sure that you don't look into at, or else it could be traced that you had read it.

Sorry for the late response, I didn't get a chance to ask my colleague until this evening~


mangowango28 OP March 19th, 2022

Thank you so much for your investment in my concern! I ended up trusting that my teachers will know I wasn’t taking part in it. I know some people probably think I’m way overreacting, but I have a lot of academic goals that I don’t want to fracture whatsoever, ya know? I trust my teacher, and I trust that my friends in the server would tell my teacher I had no part in it.

Thank you again!