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Following The Path

GoldieFish June 26th, 2022

Pre-school was when I was the most of afraid of being notice by anyone.

Elementary was when I got courage to invite my classmate to be my groupmate and we've become friends until now.

Highschool was when the most chaotic and memorable times of my life.

Senior highschool was my eye opener and when I realized what matters the most.

Now College, it's the last step.

"The future is not us to see." They say.

I would like to close my eyes and imagine what i wanted to become in next 4 years.

I would be more wiser.

I would be more independent.

I would be more kinder.

I would be more peaceful.

I would be more happier.

It's not impossible because what i have at the moment is my youth, the perfect time to have fun, make mistakes and learn along the way.

4 years is short but i want to make it more memorable.

"I won't fail." — Not because i am confident. This is my promise to the stars and to those people who wish me the best.

I posted 3 times here in this app and this is probably gonna be my last time. Hopefully i would update this thread when my wish was heard.

"May my wish be blown by the wind and spread it around the world. I also hope it reaches the heaven."

FrenchMarbles June 27th, 2022


Thank you for your contribution, I have really enjoyed reading what you've said and in all honesty - it's inspired me to keep going with my university, it's frustrating but you're right 4 years is not a long time. It'll be over before I know it!

GoldieFish OP June 27th, 2022

Good luck to both us! I'm super glad to know i inspired you and i sincerely appreciate your replies! Let's keep fighting and get that diploma!

GoldieFish OP December 18th, 2023

Update 2

It's been a year since I posted this message on this app.

I'm already in my 2nd year of College.

A lot of thing has happened and I can't ready share them in detailed since it is something I want to keep to myself.

However, all of them made me what I am today.

Today, I am writing this message because a year ago I was helpless. I don't know what to do.

Looking back, I was really brave to face all my fears which lead me to being more confident on myself.

In my first of college, I was pretty popular and it really amaze me because for some reason a lot of people noticed me. I was happy but I didn't let it go on my head.

I choose another path which is to abandoned that fame because my priority is to finish my study not to basked myself with temporary glory.

I met a lot of people, who praise me and were against me. Fortunately, I avoided a lot of dramas because I pretty much don't care if I am included or not because I have learned that you cannot force people to accept you.

I also realized how blessed truely I am. I may lack friendships but my family adores me unconditionally.

Life isn't perfect. There are days my professors would praise me endlessly and days where they will humilate me for not being knowledge enough, for not knowing everything, for not being enough.

Regardless, I never allow myself to ran away from my problems. Even if I am being ridiculed for not being able to meet the expectations.

I also learned how to create bounderies. Bounderies is bad if you don't want to be isolated but I choose that path because it makes me happier and peaceful.

I am standing confidently, with or without someone by side.

I am standing confidently, even if I am being notice or ignored.

I am standing confidently, even if I am being complimented or criticize.

And the good news is..... All of my "I would be more" was fulfilled!

I have to make sure that I will never lose my path again.

I'll post an update again maybe in my 3rd year? I didn't manage to share what happened on my 1st year since it is full of ups and downs but it is a good start of my college life.

See you again if there is a chance:)