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Screenshot Policy: Please Read!

Heather225 February 11th, 2023

Hi everyone!
As you probably know we request screenshot submissions to authenticate reports and help the processing team take action. Historically, we have used Google Forms, but it is not ideal for attaching screenshots, and it required a Google sign-in to attach images. We have streamlined this process though, done away with the forms and now accept reports through a single channel: the Help Desk. Here's why and how to now report.

This means we are no longer accepting third-party sites to upload screenshots.
All screenshots are to be directly emailed through the respective channel.

If you need to share a screenshot with someone on the Admin Team specifically, you will be asked to email it and provided the email to do so.

When in doubt, please consult someone on the Community Management Team or email for help!

Note: Some have asked how to report inappropriate usernames and bios. As a community member, you can flag them here for the Safety Patrol Team to action. You could also consider joining the Safety Patrol to contribute to flagging!

Heather225 OP February 11th, 2023

Some of you may be asking, how do I take a screenshot? Here are a few articles that will help you figure out how to take a screenshot from your specific device.

cloudySummer February 12th, 2023

@Heather225 ... and

  • If you are on Linux, just press the 'Print' key on your keyboard, which should in most cases open the screenshot program.
February 11th, 2023

@Heather225 thank you! Will save this post ^^

SunShineAlwaysGrateful February 11th, 2023

It is in rows with only two to three letters in rows can it be reloaded?? Thank you

ReadBooks7 February 11th, 2023

@Heather225 thank you for the information and links.

PatienceImpatiens February 11th, 2023

I’m viewing this information on a handheld device and it’s impossible to read it. All the words are in columns of several letters. Is it possible for the original message to be differently formatted for the many of us who are using handheld devices?

TabbyCat97 February 11th, 2023


Thankyou for the update ❤️


SirenOfSerenity February 11th, 2023

Thank you for this update!

LavenderHere February 11th, 2023

@Heather225 may I suggest something I usually do which I feel is a lot more secure to share screenshots during reports?
Pasting screenshots on a google doc and putting the doc's link in the reporting form may do the trick😮

cloudySummer February 12th, 2023

@LavenderHere That is not more secure. Email isn't much better, either, though, if the user uses googlemail.

What would be more secure would be a form on the 7cups website. Which would be the most common way of doing this kind of thing and which would exclude third-party sites completely.

I'm really confused as to why 7cups does not have such a form, like almost all websites I know of.

PatienceImpatiens February 11th, 2023

Thanks so much for attaching this important information as a document so it’s readable!

Cancun February 11th, 2023

Thank you very much. This information is much appreciated. I have some questions. Is there any way to make it a policy that people can't report other people without a screenshot? Also does the administration deactivate people off of just complaints with no proof? Why does it feel like people get deactivated and they have to prove their innocent? This really isn't the place for guilty until proven innocent. Why don't they look at people's credentials before they deactivate them? Does the administration understand that if you take any kind of leadership role here people will report you for enforcing the rules or because they feel like they were treated unfairly? We really do need screen shots with all reports so that you guys can exactly know what was going on. I have a feeling this would stop people from false reporting and save some time for the admins to work on other things. I was just deactivated the other night and I follow the rules here. I'm a regular host and community leader. I was extremely heartbroken and confused. It really shook my faith and dedication to 7 cups. I'm on a self care break from hosting but I'm still trying to help the other hosts so the place I've come to love runs smoothly. I am second guessing going back to hosting. I love it but people don't seem to understand we have issues too. Being deactivated for stepping up doesn't help. I'm only trying to help other people in need.

cloudySummer February 12th, 2023

@Cancun It would be even better if there were a 'flag this conversation' button somewhere, as the data exists on 7cups. It's probably not even encrypted anyway, so why not use it for reporting? Then report and offending message would be one thing.

Cancun February 12th, 2023


I like your thinking. Very smart.

AffyAvo February 13th, 2023

@cloudySummer I agree on site would be ideal and it's true for all areas. It hasn't been the priority to get that made though.

cloudySummer February 13th, 2023

@AffyAvo I know... leading to tons of hard-to-find forms spread all over the internet linked from equally-hard-to-find forum posts ... It's so weird to me.

amiablePeace77 February 11th, 2023


Thank you for the update!

soulsings February 12th, 2023

If you have a Chromebook

Take a screenshot: Press Ctrl + Show Windows

HopieRemi February 13th, 2023

Thank you for the policy change.

Mahad2804 August 22nd, 2023


I really think you guys should consider another method of report verification because screenshots of chats are literally the least believable thing right after a claim that someone did something without any evidence. They add no authenticity to a report whatsoever, and yet, are used religiously in report processing.

So in the spirit of bringing more attention to this issue and also demonstrating actually how easy it is to fake chat screenshots, I have done just that in PMs between my L and M accounts.

* Trigger Warning: Profanity *


It took me no more than 2 minutes to type in all the words in place of the *** that cups would normally display.

And it's not just limited to changing the content of the messages. New messages can be added, old messages can be deleted. All sorts of stuff can be done with just a little bit of poking around.

This takes no extra tools, no special software, just a plain old browser.

I like the idea that @cloudySummer put forward, about having a built-in report functionality, like in forums that makes a record of perhaps 10 messages in either direction of the reported message, compiles a report of it, and then sends it for review.

This would be much better with regards to authenticity since it can't be tampered with by users.

I hope you guys can come up with a solution to this issue because this really is a very big flaw if the most actionable evidence used is so easily forged.

Fradiga August 22nd, 2023


THANK YOU for a great demonstration of how this can be done. I agree with you that evidence can be fabricated and there ought to be a better system in place.

Fradiga August 22nd, 2023


You are a genius among us poor lemmings :D

soulsings August 22nd, 2023

@Mahad2804 it is possible to fudge a report but it takes a lot of time and work and it takes someone who has malicious intentions and is disregarding the consequences of false reporting which can be quite serious. Hopefully anyone like this will be reported.

So my reports go in within minutes of taking screen shots and there are usually 5 screenshots and I could not possibly edit those screenshots matching the font and color perfectly. If one is subject to someone's misuse of reporting, report them and appeal any penalty incurred.

What I appreciate is in discussions, that everyone participates in the discussion and there is no need for screenshots and reporting. We have multiple people taking screenshots to insure accuracy.

The problem in PMs is a trade-off of having anonymous discussions versus auto reporting. I think that we have to use our abilities and wisdom to avoid situations where someone starts to act inappropriately. There are no tech solutions to a problem of people who want to harm others although that can be made more difficult and have graver consequences.

Mahad2804 August 22nd, 2023

I get most of your points @soulsings but part of the reason I actually trialed this and attached a screenshot is because, contrary to what most people think, it doesn't take all that much time and work.

I don't need to edit the pictures themselves, and worry about fonts and sizes and colors and what not.

Courtesy of developer tools built into literally all browsers, I can simply edit the message in place. And that means it will have perfect size, font, color by default. Also, it literally takes 2 minutes, if not less.

Now yes, malicious intent is still necessary for someone to do that but once reported, there's not much the reported individual can do. They aren't given access to the content of the report. Neither are they given specifics in most cases.

And, in the absence of any other form of verification, it's one person's word, against another person's image. We all know how this ends.

Think about it. All it takes is one person with mal-intent to literally flush down the drain years of progress. With anonymous reporting, anyone can get a seasoned listener banned from the site.

And since this is so easy to do, I'll just put some extra words into your forum post for another demo.

(read the last line)


If this was in a chatroom, someone would be losing roles.

Now I'm not saying don't do anything when you get reports with screenshots. The only point I'm making is, don't think it's too much more accurate because it has a screenshot. We need a better, more foolproof system so that things like this aren't (easily) possible.

Fradiga August 22nd, 2023


I think that when a chat is not going well, the listener's mind is all over the place, maybe in a low panic mode, and not able to go through all those steps in order to make screenshots and report. It ought to be done automatically by the 7cups system at the press of two buttons : "Report" AND "Confirm report" (in case of a wrong click).

Someone, earlier, was able to demonstrate how easy it is to make a fake screenshot and it is cause for concern.

amiablePeace77 August 23rd, 2023


This would be a great solution Fradiga provided it can be done technically etc.

trueconfidant123 August 22nd, 2023


Thank you for the information.