April Update in the next 3-4 weeks: Group Support Warning System
![User Profile: Laura](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/lGhpfHOVlZ5WoG1lXFOT4JPeZmp7qZg!.jpg)
Similar to how there is a refer button in the group support rooms, there will not be a warning system. This system will be a direct reflection of our chat room guidelines.
Here is how it will work:
User behaves inappropriately. Moderator clicks ?warning? and gets a pop up with a drop down menu containing the following options:
1) Instant mute
2) Send warning for (and a drop down they can select from)
- Talking negatively about a listener or member
- Sharing personal contact details or social media handles
- Being unkind or unsupportive to other users
- Using abusive, graphic or inappropriate language (not including censored text)
- Sharing names of drugs or medication
- Using the group support room to seek crisis help
- Using language other than English
-----> When a warning is sent to a user by a moderator, they will receive a warning note pop-up that looks like this:
This warning was sent by a moderator for [insert reason].
Please take care to refrain from this behavior in the future. After three warnings you may be muted from the support rooms. You can view our group chat rules at the bottom of the chat room.
----->User repeats behaviour. Any moderator can click the warning button. They do not need to know what has happened before. The user will receive the pop up message (as above) again.
User behaves inappropriately for a third and final time. A moderator clicks the warning button. This time, they receive a warning and also receive a 24 hourmute. User receives a pop-up alerting them of the warning.
![User Profile: Jake](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/mmdpe3uRkptVnWRpXVuZl-KPrpSoe52V.jpg)
![User Profile: Elle22](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/mWRreH2RkppZn2dmVliTm-KPrml8d8WY.png)
Awesome, I like this
![User Profile: fluffyUnicorns84](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/m2tjd3qRkptYmWxsVVeamOKPrmt5eMaX.jpg)
Sounds amazing, and lot easier thank you
![User Profile: OrunLeon](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/lmRpe36Rkp-dlLBsioSSyA!!.jpg)
It's all good, except I feel the the language warning should be taken off. I don't think it's of the same calibre of "rule breaking" as the others. Most cases like those are purely misunderstandings, and a kinder message from a moderator will usually do the trick instead of a big old pop up warning, I feel.
![User Profile: amobachata](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/mpqZnVqUZWigUN2WyseXlg!!.jpg)
@OrunLeon @Laura @Jake
The main reason that members come into the chatrooms speaking another language is to find a listener that speaks their language. The "English only rule" was instituted to prevent people from conversing in a language that mods can't understand, but some mods have adopted a totalitarian enforcement.
For example, yesterday a member came in the room and said "Hola." I answered "Hola, how are you?" (what I do when someone givegreetingsin another language) and the member said (in Spanish) "I need help from someone that speaks Spanish" and I answered (in Spanish) "Send me a message." End of conversation. And then another mod told me to speak only English (me, not the member). I feel that an "English only" pop up could easily be abused.
And if you're going to tell people to speak English, at the very least, you should make sure that they understand by makinga pop up in their language. If apop up in English telling someone who doesn't speak Englishtospeak English is sent, it'll only confuse people, and leave them without help. Maybe in the pop up, the "Browse Listeners" link should be added.
This was really good and important point! I agree 100%.
![User Profile: RebeccaH](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/k5iZl1OUaLFRn5PJl8SX.jpg)
Oh, this is fantastic! I really dislike having to reprimand specific people. General warnings are fine, but I feel so bad about singling people out, since I know it can be embarrassing. I'm glad we're getting more private way to do it!
![User Profile: JoshNYX](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/m2ZofHqRkpydlLBmh1iUmw!!.jpg)
All sounds good!
Say me (X) and another mod (Y) are both moderating the Welcome Room. A member comes in, and posts one inappropriate message. Because of this, X and Y both issue a Warning to this user with the system. The system then counts this as two warnings, yet they were both for the same one and because of the anonymity of the feature, X and Y don't know if the other Mod has issued a Warning, so it ends up the Users potentially getting multiple warnings, sometimes up to 5 or 6 depending how many mods are on simultaneously, meaning an instant ban for what might just be a minor infraction.
Sorry if that didn't make sense or come across clearly or anything, but I think I understand what my point is and if anyone else does, feel free to simplify it ;)
![User Profile: fluffyUnicorns84](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/m2tjd3qRkptYmWxsVVeamOKPrmt5eMaX.jpg)
After a chat with laura in community earlier, it does seem that it will be time restricted also....... to avoid two moderators creating 2 warnings for one incident...
Some good point risen though, I guess we will have wait and see when it implemented but I am hoping it makes all mods on same page and it fairer not the opposite way.
![User Profile: AffyAvo](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/memberImages/k5SUnFegYWigUN3GzMeWxg!!.jpg)
I wonder if this is going to lead to too many mutes/bans?
On the surface, it sounds like a good idea, but maybe the warnings need to disappear after a while?
I have been warned against things that are not against the rules before, by more than one mod. I would have received a mute by now easily with this system.
When someone comes in upset about something, it is pretty easy to be warned about something and they respond to that. With something like this, they could be muted after 9 minor incidents, which is pretty easy for a support site.
Its a good idea but some questions,how long do these warnings last ? Will the mute happen because of three warnings in a specific time frame ?(a few hours )or will they remain for days ? Does it mean three warnings from one moderator ?or a total of three warnings from any number of moderators ? Can there be a system if two mods warn the same person in quick succession the system asks that another moderator just warned this participant did he did he break another rule ?just some questions .
![User Profile: Ila](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/mWNkfHaRkptSnW1mVVqaluKPrmV9eZuS.jpg)
This looks like a good idea! It will definitely make things easier for Moderators. Just a question: after we send a warning, do we have to enforce rules in the chatroom? For example if someone shares social medias, we send a warning, then do we write "please refrain from sharing social medias in the chatroom" or not?
I think setting a time for warnings to expire would be useful.
Also, what does "instant mute" mean and what are the cases when we have to use it without giving warnings?
And what about spamming the chatroom? I haven't seen a warning for this.
![User Profile: OrunLeon](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/lmRpe36Rkp-dlLBsioSSyA!!.jpg)
I feel spam should be an instant mute.
Also, I don't think a written warning is necessary after sending the automated one. But I think if there's like... 3+ people all trying to share social media, then a general warning can be sent.
![User Profile: Ila](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/mWNkfHaRkptSnW1mVVqaluKPrmV9eZuS.jpg)
Leon. Not everybody bothers to read the Chatroom Rules, members may ask why we deleted a message so writtenwarnings can teach people how to behave in the rjght way
![User Profile: OrunLeon](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/lmRpe36Rkp-dlLBsioSSyA!!.jpg)
I thought they can see what they've been warned for in the pop up.So, after a rule breaking message is seen, send the warning and delete the message? They will know what they've done, except in private, not broadcasted to the whole chatroom?
![User Profile: Ila](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/mWNkfHaRkptSnW1mVVqaluKPrmV9eZuS.jpg)
I'm not talking about the members who break a rule. I'm talking about the other ones who lurk there and see messages getting deleted having no idea why because they don't know the rules
![User Profile: Jake](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/mmdpe3uRkptVnWRpXVuZl-KPrpSoe52V.jpg)
Those people lurking don't need to know why the message was deleted. What's important is that the person knows why it was deleted and that warning takes care of itself. Does that make sense?
![User Profile: BurningBright](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/memberImages/k52Zn1WcYWigUN3GypiVkg!!.jpg)
This looks great! Thank you so much! 7 cups gets better every day.