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Ambassador Team Update: July 2024

Heather225 July 25th


It's been a busy season or us, but we are back with your regularly scheduled updates! After you're done reading, please give our Ambassadors a shoutout for all their hard work and service to the community in replies!

(If the text is not displaying, click here to read it in doc form.)

Tommy - Communities (forums)
Hello everyone, where has the time gone? It feels like this year is flying by! I hope you are all well and are enjoying the sunnier months (if it is summer for your timezone). We have had an exciting few months in the forums, focusing on developing our newer communities and strengthening our leadership teams. Please click here for our June forum discussion spotlight which includes our pride celebrations. If you are interested in supporting the forums as a leader then please do not hesitate to reach out to me or submit an application here. Happy July!

Rebekah - Safety Team
Hello, all! 🌞 I hope you’ve had a good month.

We’ve had some considerable growth this month! We’ve onboarded 9 new safety patrol team members (@NotSeven @wishfulForest1871 @Damonchandio @MellowMusic @Ivebutterfly @Riri1616 @Coffeebean26 @whimsicalCloud4661, @Sealiously -- Welcome, Croeso, Willkommen)!

Furthermore, we’ve onboarded 2 new Safety Outreach members (@rubyjane00, @MelodyoftheOcean -- Hello, Shwmae, Guten Tag)!

ST, on the whole, has been heavily focused on increasing numbers team-wide, with a focus on Safety Outreach and Safety Discussions. If you’re interested in joining the Outreach or Discussions branch of ST, please read this! It should answer any and all questions you may have 🌟

Thank you for reading, I hope you have a succulent day 🌞💙

KindheartedLily & MelodyoftheOcean - Listener Coaching Team
Heyaa Everyone! I hope 7Cups has been treating you well, and you are doing good.

The Listener Coaching Team has been doing very well!, we have been exceeding our monthly goal and taken 93 requests! 

We recently got two new applicants, who are currently in the process of training, credits to @BlueRiverCares , who has been working hard on Outreach and Fun Sessions to raise awareness for the Team, and the option to receive Coaching Sessions.

We have been working on improving the teams quality by creating quizzes and refreshers, in which our Coaches did absolutely amazing, a shoutout to every one of you!

In case you would like to further support the team, we are currently accepting applications for Project Agents! If you think this might be for you, please contact @kindheartedLily or @MelodyoftheOcean about it. 

If you are interested in becoming a Listener Coach yourself, please click here for more information. In case you’d like a coaching session to improve your listening skills, this might be for you! 

Have a good day ahead, and please do reach out if you have any questions at all. 🌈

AnnaSilverberg - New Listeners & Quality
Hay everyone✨! I hope you’re all having a wonderful day so far.
We have been putting more focus on our amazing Newbies and now our brilliant Quality Mentors have been doing great at reaching out to them, welcoming them and giving them our Listener Primer as well as offering them their mentorship if they have the availability.
We have also onboarded a new PA, @Fuechsin who is absolutely brilliant at sharing their knowledge in the Listener Support Room (LSR).
@Kristynsmama has been working diligently on sharing their knowledge and just recently made a post on the harmfulness of giving advice, you can read that fantastic post here.
My series, “My Cup of..” is still ongoing and our next one is on validation, feel free to check that one out here.
We are working with our wonderful Care Team and the newly restarted Welcoming Committee, to make sure that all Newbies to our wonderful community feel welcomed.
We tested our Listener Check-in game in Teen land last month with great success!
We look forwards to share all the magic that this wonderful community has within and showing our Newbies what Cups is all about ✨

HealingTalk - Quality Listening Program
Since our last Update, no less than eight mentors-in-training were formally appointed as Academy Mentors in the QLP, after completing their one-month trial with much dedication, enthusiasm, and professionalism: @AwarmHeart, @DanCat1128, @GracefulBelle, @Maebyb, @PurifyYourSoul, @Tuffattack, @walkalot and @WonderousLove3994

In addition, the QLP Team has recently been strengthened by the incorporation of two new Mentors-in-training who are doing their 1-month trial right now: @ThoughtLight and @WishfulWillow6962 They are already contributing greatly to the Program by performing Mentor tasks and we are very grateful to them for that!

Congratulations to @Mari228, QLP Mentor Leader, who, through extensive, continuous and effective outreach efforts, invited them all to join our Team, and conducted their successful training.

On the internal organization front, we have improved our dashboard (adding key indicators) to follow closer the evolution of each trainee, facilitating timely and appropriate interventions and better support them in their QLP experience.

I wish to express my immense gratitude and give my heartfelt farewell to @ComradeRuhi, who is leaving the QLP Team after more than a year of consistent top-notch work at a crucial task. Ruhi has contributed tons of volunteer hours to the Program, with much professionalism and kindness. She now leads the Poetry Community, greatly enlivening this wonderful and important space of expression, healing and flourishing.

Finally, we encourage all Listeners who want to improve their Active Listening skills to enroll in the Quality Listening Program from HERE  Upon graduation, you will get a Certificate you can list in your CV, and you can request a Letter of Recommendation and skills endorsements for Linkedin.  If you wish to join our cozy QLP Team as an Academy Mentor, click HERE  We welcome you with open arms!

DreamTouch - Leadership Development Program Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well. First and foremost, a heartfelt congratulations to our newest graduates: @Ivy229, @KristenHR, and @WishfulForest1871.

I'm excited to announce that this month we've welcomed a new mentor to our team - DanCat1128. Congratulations and a warm welcome to Dan! They have been doing amazing in keeping our subcommunity vibrant and engaged.

As usual our program has been running smoothly on the daily tasks - kudos to the LDP team. We’ve been able to process/complete all tasks within 3-6 days of submissions. We look forward to welcoming more trainees in the program and to witness their growth as future leaders! If you’re interested, please apply from here 

Birdie & Snow - Care Team
Heya everyone! I hope life has been kind to you and that you’re having a great summer (or winter!) The Care Team has been working so hard to continue supporting our fellow Listeners. I want to thank all of our Care Team Guides for everything they do for the team and the community at large. You are all so amazing and we wouldn’t be where we are without you all! 

My fellow Ambassador, @SnowTabby, has been hosting such exciting events recently and we look forward to hosting more in the future, so please keep an eye out! 

We have onboarded our newest Teen Project Agent recently! We are excited to have @ReganL on the team and look forward to seeing all that they accomplish! We are also working with another adult Listener to bring them on as our newest Adult Project Agent, too! If you would like to apply to be a Project Agent, you can do so here! We are always looking for new Guides as well. You can apply here!

We have been working closely with @AnnaSilverberg and @Heather225 to increase our support to new Listeners and Members! The Welcoming Committee has been restarted and they are always looking for more people to help! We are excited to continue working to help welcome as many people as we can!

As always, please feel free to submit any requests for any Listeners that you think could use a check-in using our Care Team Request Form. Have a great week everyone!

Clarisse29- Content Development and Marketing Program
Hey Cups Community! I hope this month has been kind to you. And was it kind to CDM? Most definitely! This month, we onboarded more trainees than we have for a while and it’s been amazing to see people getting interested in the content side of things! 

We had one person graduating this month and with several others making significant progress with their coursework throughout this time span. The team has also been engaged in working on future projects and events to be hosted by the program and the Content Volunteer Team subcomunity.

We are still on the lookout for more mentors to join our team so if you’re interested, do fill out this form! You will be guided through the entire process and put under a training period before you can finally start your role as a CDM mentor with us! We can always use more hands on deck!

With that, I’ll take your leave until you see me next month with more updates about the program here! Take care!

Heather225 OP July 25th

And a big extra thank you to all the folks tagged in these updates who have contributed to various domains and continue to help drive things under the careful guidance of the Ambassadors. You're all awesome!

calmMango9611 July 27th

@Heather225 Thanks for the updates. So proud of our Ambassadors here at 7cups. I am so glad we have them.

LittleBirdie30 July 25th

@Heather225 Yay! Thank you for posting this H!

Antonio7Cups July 25th



Thanks ambassadors!

wonderousLove3994 July 25th


Thank you for your shout-out.

Congratulations to the ambassadors and everyone mentioned.

kindheartedLily July 26th

Thank you for posting this, Heather!😊

Heather225 OP July 29th


thanks for all you do to support LCT Lily! you're amazing <3

BlueRivercares July 26th


@KindheartedLily and  @MelodyoftheOcean thanks for mentioning me, me feels important hehe :)

Heather225 OP July 29th


you are important!! 🥰

MelodyoftheOcean August 10th


That may be because you are! I don't say this often enough, but you have done so much with providing feedback, hosting sessions and helping people stumble upon the team. It wouldn't be the same without you Blueeeey sibling

BlueRivercares August 10th

@BlueRivercares thanks a lot you two!!! @heather225 and @melodyoftheocean definitely the result of your guidance and leadership that i came where i am now (:

TU100OT July 26th


Thank you for sharing updates, much needed :)

ComradeRuhi July 29th


Thank you so very much for the heartfelt mention. It has been such a great opportunity for me to be a part of the Quality Listening Program. It ought to be one of, if not THE best pat of my time here on 7Cups. We have such a wonderful team, it was truly an honor to be a part of it. The trainees are an even better highlight. To see their intense enthusiasm and determination to become better listeners is truly remarkable! 

Thank you once again, for welcoming me into the team and sending me such a kind departure message as well. Could not have been more pleased and overjoyed with my time at the QLP.Â