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Room Announcement

GlenM November 6th, 2019

Hello everyone! I have an important update to make on group rooms.

Did you know that the first room opened at 7 Cups was a waiting room for members to wait for an available listener? Things have come a long way since then. Just as we did then we are always looking for ways to improve the support we provide. We have been investigating what parts of the group support model works and what does not through usage, moderation statistics, and general room health. What weve found is that having moderated discussions and open chats are the most supportive and safe opportunities, while unmoderated 24/7 chatting results in increased safety and experience issues.

As we move forward as a company with a free emotional support service we have decided on some big changes to elevate our group support experience for everyone who wants a safe and kind experience. Our intention is to do a few things well and focus on emotional support.

Member rooms:

We will have two adult member rooms and two teen member rooms open 24/7 for moderated support. One general support room and one community room. All other rooms will be pop-up discussion rooms. These rooms will all be badge locked to both listeners and members.

Listener badges: Tick Tock ( For reaching Ten 1-1 chats), Thankful Heart (For receiving 5 positive text reviews)

Member badges: Strong Bond 1 (5 chats with 5 Listeners, i.e. 1 chat per listener, 5 total chats), Helpful heart ( 50 Compassion Hearts)

Listener rooms:

In the adult listener community we will continue to have two rooms, Listener Support Room and Listener Community Room. Teens will have Teen Listener Room. The adult Listener Community Room will require the Verified Listener badge. The Listener Support Rooms will be open to all listeners, but will only be used for active chat support.


This change is anticipated to happen in the next couple of days. However if some rooms become unsafe and volatile we may choose to close them early or remove them all together.

Our goal is to focus on emotional support. We are aligning our community features to help us better achieve this. We realize this is a big change that may not suit your preferences. We know you may have questions, especially if you are on a volunteer support team (group support teams read more here). We understand if you decide our free services no longer fit your needs and we wish you the best. However you are feeling please keep our Community Guidelines in mind as you process and move forward with your day. While we always welcome feedback, we expect discussions to not only be civil but also on-topic.

I know dealing with change can be challenging. I appreciate the flexibility as we move things forward. As a quick aside, Im visiting my grandmother (she has been ill) so Ill respond, but might be a bit delayed. The community team will chime in and answer questions as well.

Thank you!

[MonBon added link]

[Jill replaced badge name for members- it is Strong Bond 1 and not 7 day streak)

[Lorraine added badge requirements]

[Tazzie replaced the second badge name for members. It is Helpful Heart]

[MonBon replaced badge name for Listeners. It is Thankful Heart]

[7CupsCommunity modified description of Strong Bond 1 for clarity]

TheMadQueen420 November 8th, 2019


Myself and others have it too. This entire thing has been handled awfully.

fluffyUnicorns84 November 8th, 2019

@Envisage I just took a look at your profile and I cannot see the strong bond badge , which is having 5 chats with 5 different listeners. 1 chat = 30 messages with at least reply from the listener. I hope this makes sense, if you want to message for more clarity you more than welcome to message me.

You can see exactly how many chats you currently have by clicking on my path - my progress on the browser version of the site

humorousDay8793 November 8th, 2019

I went on strike for 24 hours, I'm back and see the messes they made in just one day. Its sad the leaders think they have power over us the members. They could never have this site without us. Im going on strike another 24 hours. Get it together 7cups!

Members have all the talent, and leaders seem to have gotten to big for their own britches. Be back at 10:30 PM tomorrow.

Best wishes, humorousDay8793

TheMadQueen420 November 8th, 2019

The idea of only having rooms open at specific times in a calendar is incredibly problematic in of itself. Many of us have jobs, families (ect). I work 3 12hr shifts a week, and that's just me. Even those that don't have jobs and families, what are they (and us) meant to do? Schedule for when they need help? That's not how it works!

Dipstick100 November 8th, 2019

Well,, I tried. Can't seem to connect to my old friends in 35+ room. Thanks all you guys for your great friendship. Thanks Pam, Lady, Ralph, TJ, for all the good times. Maybe someday I'll check back.

AnyWoman71 November 8th, 2019

So disappointing. Thanks for considering us all and what WE thinj or feel. This sucks balls

Galacticcoffee November 8th, 2019

I'm not trying to bash anyone..... What's done is done and we have to live with it. But I can't live my life around cups. We can make our new support system via this set up but as to the separate rooms the support is no longer there. Yes this might be stressful for the time being but I think with time we can get through this. It's not going to be smooth sailing but what's a sea without the occasional storms. We are stronger together.

TheMadQueen420 November 8th, 2019


Thing is not only can people even with the badges access the one room, but with the seperate rooms gone a lot of people just lost their support networks. The admins are expecting us to schedual when we need help almost, which is insane. Even with the one giant room, there isn't really any chance of getting support as everyone is in one place. Your concerns will get drowned out among there being like 50 people talking at once.

We can't be "stronger together" if there is no "together", if the aspects of community have been stripped away completley.

Peter1447 November 8th, 2019

If you are trying to work out how to get access to the room witch are badges locked.

Is the link. ❤️❤️

TheMadQueen420 November 8th, 2019


And what about the main chat? That's invisible to most of us here too, despite having the badge requirements.

Peter1447 November 8th, 2019


i am not sure who is looking after the main room access. I can find out and let you know

fluffyUnicorns84 November 8th, 2019

@TheMadQueen420 Hi looking at your profile you do not have the strong bond badge , which is having 5 chats with 5 different listeners. 1 chat = 30 messages with at least reply from the listener. I hope this makes sense, if you want to message for more clarity you more than welcome to message me.

You can see exactly how many chats you currently have by clicking on my path - my progress on the browser version of the site.

TheMadQueen420 November 8th, 2019


Well that's just great, given so many listeners are awful means I have to put up with their abuse JUST to get access to a room.

God, this site has gone downhill.

adventurousBranch3786 November 8th, 2019

@fluffyUnicorns84 Do the 30 messages have to be in one chat with the listener? Or can it be done in repeat chats with the listeners? Thanks

TheMadQueen420 November 8th, 2019


Hold on, when I look at my profile it says I've had 30 chats and 23 repeat chats. How on Earth do I NOT qualify for the badge if you're only meant to have five?

DontCensorFreeSpeechPls November 8th, 2019

@GlenM this ought to be done much earlier. Depression support is the most volatile room on cups yet it exists. There are few occasions where people do use it for the purpose intended but far more than not it is full of trolls, heavy verbal abuse and people talking about random *rap. Thank you Glen and everyone involved for improving this 7cups.

TheMadQueen420 November 8th, 2019


I could understand removing the depression room but they have erased every single room. It's like moving house altogether instead of replcing a broken lightbulb.

ArachnoChronos November 8th, 2019


A pod was launched into space containing all the information about humanity about their struggle against the trolls and how they finally defeated them.

After the nuclear solution there were no puppies, no bunnies, no kittens and birds, but finally also no trolls. Humans finally created peace on Earth and finally found a way to get along just fine. A safe space for radioactive rat cockroaches

Sometimes people need to learn to take the good with the bad since rarely are there perfect solutions. Usually its a trade off.

Vrsyren November 9th, 2019

@ArachnoChronos I thought you were just sarcastic but you come off as an ass. I get you may be fine with it all, and hell you may be like "it was free so why are you all complaining" but you are not the center of the universe, your views are not the views of everyone, and you sure as hell have no clue what personal battles people are dealing with.

fluffyUnicorns84 November 8th, 2019

@DontCensorFreeSpeechPls Thank you for your support.

infinitas November 8th, 2019


I'm sorry to say this but this is an unwelcome change! condensing 10 rooms into 2 is not going improve support by any means! May be time to get off this site!

ArachnoChronos November 8th, 2019


Its gonna make it easier for him to employ less mods though. Hell he might as well fire all of the paid ones since there are enough volunteers to manage 2 - 4 rooms already.

The users on the other hand have to learn to share.. We'll be handing out emergency chat rations consisting of 2000 characters a day to each and every member. That will fix the problem of too many people writing at the same time. See i made i found a solution that benefits everyone

fluffyUnicorns84 November 8th, 2019

@ArachnoChronos They are still the same amount of rooms, just some need opening. To open those rooms we need moderators present in them.

TheMadQueen420 November 8th, 2019


It's not like everyone has the same timetable and this is an international website so timezones are different for people too. So for the vast majority those rooms might as well be gone forever.

Jackpot1066 November 8th, 2019


I completely understand the reasoning behind this and am sorry to hear that the growing pains of a startup are hurting the community here. I just wish there was more warning for people who really rely on this.

StoicSteamStoker November 8th, 2019

Well, it

CreativeField2019 November 8th, 2019

@GlenM hey I can't see any rooms anymore why is that

SirJambabwe November 8th, 2019


Gotta hand it to him, he really did solve the troll problem by removing all the chatrooms XD Oddly enough everyone's silent while the community they built for years is falling apart in a matter of days due to poor planning and no interraction... Great job people. You've done what no troll could ever dream to achieve here XD

CreativeField2019 November 8th, 2019


What? What did I do?

bluevelvet3 November 10th, 2019


I know that is sad when you can't get into a chat room and I am having the same probelem can't get into one anymore.

humorousDay8793 November 9th, 2019

Its just so sad that the place that the very kind members worked so hard to make this a place I could visit when Im so upset and struggling for help has now become a toxic place because of how leaders made us feel like they are superior. This is becoming reminicent of societies broken down mental health system. One 7cups let real theropists into our peer to peer safe space, they underminded everything. Its become very obvious now more than ever that getting our thoughts by force so they can mine our human to human helpfulness is more important than our well being. The chaos created over the past few days has takin away from all us members. I dont like it here any more. I dont feel safe and im unable to deal with this overwhelming feeling that 7cups destroyed 7cups.

Dawn04 November 14th, 2019

@humorousDay8793 This site has definitely long lost it's safe feeling.

melliotm November 16th, 2019

@Dawn04 they've made it plain where their priorities lie and it's not with community members/listeners/volunteers.

FuturesRise November 16th, 2019


Yea, this ignorant site lost it's way and ive found I have nothing more to say here.

They make the suffering suffer more by confusing them and upsetting them. The sites rules are hard to define. Some of the volunteering people use their positions to control others. Most people hete that were looking for some direction and guidance found chaos and disapointment instead.

Figgy50 November 9th, 2019

I heard LGBTQ room is now open 24/7 with a Key? is that true? Can you make 35+ a permanent room? I'm all about "Equality" ya know... Not like I'm being "BIASED" or anything

DarkCoffee November 9th, 2019


Yes, please

TreaureSeekers3 November 9th, 2019

I know alot of people are upset here because of change and I'm the same. I don't think it was a good idea at all removing all the rooms. What people expected to do now? How can they still get help? I understand you got the support room and member room which has helped alot, the pop up chats are funny one as I don't really get why there pop ups and not have one of two like the anxiety one full time or depression. I heard one of listeners or some are trying really hard to keep the anxiety room open. I think that one is crucial for alot of people here as that one is used more and most experience this as it's one of most common. I do think that one should be brought back and the depression room that's good it's stopped the trolls side of things. I don't know if it was open if it will be better then it was but I think that one cuz of how so many people saying the room is the one with most trolls and there are more problems and fights going on that the room should only be open at certain times at peak hours. Maybe when it's more convenient for most or becomes a discussion chat and support chat at same time. I think it's going back to maybe a bit like having same idea of it being two rooms in room but I don't know as I also agree it will get too packed which is not a good idea but maybe having the room then at peak times when it's good time to open it being there if people need it at that time is good idea then having it closed or open when it's becoming problem. I know things went set in stone yet but I want others to know whether these changes will be like this for now as others still asking the question as before with the room changes. I don't want new members to come and see the change and not get the help they need as people need the help here and that's one of the problems need to be aware of. Helping others at certain times and also listeners to be on hand more or get more listeners more help and training to provide more support for members and community. Give them more leadship. Also help one on one too support for them and members at times. Also with the mod thing mods to be present having mod here or if no still having community mods but having someone not present but like with have noni but someone I've seen in another site have a unreal person or mod bot in the room and having them at times if there's no mod. People like animals here so maybe a cat which is popular here can pretend to be some kind of mod but more or a friendly animal who has the powers as mod to be in the rooms and looking out for people and if something happens to send message to that person and deal with it. I think maybe another party I don't know. I hope the site does start improving now as I know it's got problems what need addressing and fixed. Looked into. Hope it does so

ImStillHere2 November 11th, 2019



purpleButterfly24 November 9th, 2019

I am saddened to hear of these changes. I have found the group rooms to be so valuable in reducing isolation and creating a sense of community which is hard to get in forums due to the time lag between posting and getting a reply. Everyone above has echoed my views as to this being a step back rather than a step forwards, so Im not going to repeat the confusion and sense of being let down that have already been expressed above. But I do have a few questions:

One of the things I value most about 7cups is the sense of community. You only have to look through the forums to know that this is such a special community. With such a huge resource of knowledge at your fingertips, why did you not think to use the community to consult about this huge change before putting it in place? I feel you have missed out on the valuable insights and wisdom of the community by doing this without asking for opinions. I also feel disappointed that in a place which is meant to be a safe place for those struggling with mental ill health, no warning was given of this change. It seems irresponsible to me to take away the support of the group chats from already vulnerable people with no warning.

As a member who (because of social anxiety) tends to participate more in forums than 1-1 chats, why is my contribution to the community less valid and valuable in terms of getting access to group chats than a member of the community who finds 1-1 chats easier?

Why is it not possible to have 2 categories of chat room? For example ‘unmoderated and ‘moderated chat rooms. That way people can access unmoderated sessions at any time but at their own risk regarding trolls etc. and those who want a more structured group chat with less risk from trolls and higher degrees of safety are also catered for.

As regards to stopping trolls participating in group chats. Could there not be a universal badge that everyone gets when they sign up to give access to the group chat rooms, but could also be taken away after warnings from a moderator about inappropriate participation? That way they wouldnt be able to come back later to disrupt again, but those of us who participate and support each other could still access group rooms freely. You could also introduce some sort of strike system eg - first warning and the badge is removed for 1wk and then you can apply to have it reinstated, second warning removed for 6mnths, third warning removed permanently.

I also want to echo the concerns of members who feel that condensing several group rooms down to just 2 is going to end up in chaos and people not being heard/feeling part of the conversation as it is just too crowded. I also suspect you will end up with problems of people using the ‘structured sessions to have the chats that they would once have been able to have as a group without moderation during the sessions. Which will be confusing for those who want to participate in the structured session and also for whoever is trying to moderate it!

As I say I am saddened to hear of this change. There are so many forum-only websites out there and there are so many crisis lines out there for 1-1 conversations. 7 cups is unique and magical because of the community spirit that exists here. I feel like we are losing part of that with the loss of group chats. .

SirJambabwe November 9th, 2019


Whats this ?! A write a book in under 10 minutes competition ?

Also let me just add.. You dont become an enterpreneur and start any kind of business by listening to the nay sayers... IF you start listening to everyone's advice you'd be locked in your house sleeping in the fridge in order to feel anything..

Sometimes you gotta chugga chugga choo through the s hit sayers to make something worth having.. Glen's probably no stranger to that.. But sometimes even enterpreneurs forget that mistakes, while important for progress and learning, some can be avoided.. If you have a bridge you dont have to swim through the raw sewage to save a few seconds.. Also he's not making rubber gloves, but managing a site around unstable people with mental problems.. Maybe you should ease off on the boat rocking and do things more gracefully next time all right buddy ?