3 Key Things!
Please post here 3 key things you have done to help move 7 Cups forward. I will be doing this on a daily basis. Feel free to do it daily, weekly, or monthly. Right now we've got thousands of people doing a lot of work on the site, but we don't have a clear way of being able to support one another. The goal of this thread is to help all of us see all the good work that is going on. Please ask any questions or share thoughts!
6.) Convinced my counselors I was ready to volunteer. Went over, introduced myself, and filled out the application. I start next week.
7.) Made plans to meet a fellow group member outside of the counseling service at Starbucks.
8.) Got phone numbers and made an agenda for what I have to do tomorrow.
9.) Touched base with Chris, Wendy, Cursive, and Seahawk as well as my mom.
Lovely share! Thank you for volunteering.
...and found paperwork I'll need for the sliding scale
I finally did something for me
1) I walked with my toddler round the neighborhood and tried an acai bowl for the first time. AMAZING
2) Went into the hot tub
3) napped instead of cleaning
i never do these things and i felt empowered haha
yay for self-care! and wow an acai bowl, heard so much but never tried one
1) I reach out to find posts which have had no responses yet, so I can make people feel they are relevant.
2) I give encouragement when ever I see an opportunity.
3) I created a fun fake name thread and maintain it with fresh posts throughout each day and night; here is the link ---> FUN FAKE NAME GAME - PRANK A PAGE
Love the work you are doing! This one is especially exceptional 'I reach out to find posts which have had no responses yet, so I can make people feel they are relevant'
1.went to job interview
2. panic attack
3, listed good reasons as to why i'd be ok with a job :)
Stressful situations can make our anxiety worse but you did great!
It's the morning, so I'll post yesterday's stuff.
1) realized I was going through a crisis and needed to pull myself out of it, so I got on here after years of being inactive
2) reached out to a friend IRL and went to have a chat with her and came out of it with a lot of insight and good advice
3) started implementing said advice last night by establishing myself an evening routine with one thing that I enjoy: coloring
We are happy to have you! It seems that you are trying your best to improve your situation and that is wonderful. I am just dropping the 7 Cups crises page here for you to read in case you need support <3
I finally manage to talk to my friend.
I smiled and laughed.
I revised my physics test revision.
@Joyousname1234 thats great
Yup I felt good too.
I really like the smiling and laughing part. Such an underrated way to lift your spirits. Yay for studying! not always an easy thing to do
aww thank you
3 key things
1. Read and replied to forum posts (big fun, recieved the Speaker badge for my 500th forum post)
2. Helped in the LSR
3. Set a self care trap for myself! Mission accomplished! "Ballet Slippers" #096
replied to pm's and had a great chat with one of our wonderful members
Great work as always *high five* You are doing so well and super proud of you @SparkyGizmo
Many thanks my friend! Thank you for supporting me and my efforts!
1) I wrote a letter to the Minister of Health
2) I went to work
3) I didn't spend any money!
I can so identify with that! Not spending any money! I love so many concepts, reduce, re-use, recycle. Living well on a shoe string budget. Having moments of gratitude and appreciating what it is that do I have and taking really good care of those things. Thinking differently and decorating with things I have and giving them a place of honor in my home as opposed to purchasing more. These things tell a story about us, make really nice icebreakers and can look so very pretty if it is done well.
I like clipping coupons, planning a head, the concept of stored labor, buying in bulk (saves a lot of money), and cooking a lot of it but knowing proper freezing and storage techniques. Saves me money and time! I like how you think! big *hugs*
Oh my gosh thanks for your response I am just about asleep right now so I'm not going to say anything other than that!
1. I reached out to a friend to ask him for advice/help on behalf of another friend.
2. I researched and searched for jobs.
3. I cooked and ate a really good lunch.
I think it is amazing that you helped your friends in need! It's also really nice that you did this while also working with the issue of job searching! I know this can be so very stressful and sometimes overwhelming! I'm glad you prepared a nice meal for yourself and had a good lunch!