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Is it okay to contact multiple listeners about the same topic?

orangeSail337 December 21st, 2022

I don't exactly know if this is the right community to post this in, I'm a little confused.

Anyway, I try to talk to a few different listeners about the same topic, because I want to hear their different perspectives, is that allowed? I'm not sure why it wouldn't be allowed, but I wanted to make sure.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 21st, 2022

Hey @orangeSail337, yes that's definitely okay, to have different listeners, or want different perspectives, open support from multiple avenues! 💛

ayeyaeyaaaaaaaa December 21st, 2022


Of course it is allowed

tommy December 21st, 2022

Chatting to a few will enable you to find the best suited one to help you ❤️

Fradiga December 21st, 2022


The answer is "Yes, absolutely!". The diversity might do you a lot of good and many members do this too

Skansly December 21st, 2022


if you are not satisfied with 1 listeners answers , why not ?

Fradiga December 21st, 2022


Yeah.... We do have those who can't talk about anything but THAT and the chat goes around in circles😃

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AffyAvo January 1st, 2023

@strawberryPanda6067 I find your response rather concerning.

Do you think people are reaching out to a listener for an answer? Do you think this is what listeners provide?

Why isn't discussing an issue over and over practical? I don't see the relation to being stuck in the planning phase.

"Practical people always discuss their issues with two or three people at max and take decision."

Wow, that is a very specific statement plus seems rather judgmental.

"Here on 7cups no one ll mind if you take advises from multiple listeners, but eventually it ll lead you to confusion with no decision."

MAJOR issue here. Listeners should not be giving advice. Countable advice? That's an ever bigger no.

What if there isn't a decision that needs to be made?

I have had many chats about my illnesses. I have already made decisions on how to deal with them. If I am sick in bed, the support can be nice. When another doctor gives me bad advice because they don't know anything about some of my illnesses it's nice to be able to vent. I don't see how reaching out to more than 1 person creates confusion or is impractical.

I think it's common for many issues to be discussed multiple times.

Fradiga January 2nd, 2023


MAJOR issue here. Listeners should not be giving advice.

Well, no, of course, and "advice" might actually be on a spectrum and it really depends WHAT you are talking about. One size does not fit all. How about "suggestion" when appropriate?

Thank you for starting this thread.

KarmaTheRascal December 21st, 2022

100% okay!

If you feel you need to get second opinions and answers maybe thirds and fourths, go for it!

See what others have to say. 😊

I say smart thinking!

heathermarie95 December 21st, 2022

yes, of course!

AffyAvo January 1st, 2023

It's definitely allowed 😊

considerateRecipe9482 January 2nd, 2023

@orangeSail337 sorry to go against everyone But sometimes different have different prespectives.So it might confuse u about the issue.