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Roles within our community

Sarah March 1st, 2016

The roles we have here and what they mean to us, is a point I have been wanting to discuss for a while.

In society we all have a number of roles; child, parent, sibling, employee, colleague, friend, volunteer, student….None of these roles make us a better person than anyone else, they are just different choices and paths we have taken and the relationships that we have with others on our journey through life. Similar to society we have different roles within our community, these roles describe different tasks, all of which need to be fulfilled in order for the site to function.

On 7 cups we are all on very different journeys, we each have different goals, aspirations, struggles and strengths. We cannot compare our journeys or judge them against each other. Instead I would much rather see us celebrating and encouraging each other.

There have been some debates about people bragging about badges, I have a perspective on this that I would love the community to share. Individuals set themselves goals, some may be awarded with a badge, a review, some feedback or even a feeling, all are valid and as personal achievements all should be celebrated. I have often seen people come into a chatroom full of excitement at being awarded a badge that they have been working on. I am so happy for that individual as it is apparent it is a personal achievement to them and it really means something. This does not reflect or impact on my own goals or sense of achievement as it may not be part of my path. That does not make it invalid nor does it alter anybodys status.

There have been a lot of ways to describe the paths on 7cups; these include phrases like levelling up, gaining status, accruing badges and many more. We all came to 7cups with different ideas and goals, I personally look at my path here as a journey of personal growth. I am happy with what I have achieved, skills I have gained and ideas I have managed to implement, at no point on my path do I compare myself to others, or question my worth. Some of us are great innovators, others are great emotional supporters, others excel in technical solutions and some are great leaders, we should all aim to be the best that we can be. I will never be great at IT, I have long accepted this and appreciate all those who do excel and can help me out, similarly not everyone is great at leadership or at developing ideas, but this does not take away from the strengths that they do have. Be the best you can be, at whatever it is you want to do.

I would really love if the whole community can start looking at each other as people first, on an individual journey where we all cross paths and ultimately pull together to make this site work.

Pali March 1st, 2016

Thanks for the wonderful post Sarah! I'll +1 you and encourage everyone to find what is best for them.

7 Cups is a great opportunity for us to find and develop hidden skills we never even thought we had! You don't have to follow everyone's path, building your own is way more fun! smiley

Laura March 1st, 2016

Thanks for sharing this Sarah. No matter where we are in the community, what our role, project, speciality is, it's important for us remember we are all the same. And all places are of equal value and support.

Thanks for this important reminder! heart

EmmaV March 4th, 2016

thanks for this @Sarah :)

Personally I think the only time I've ever been paying attention to other listener's paths or "levels" or whatever you want to call it is in the chatrooms to see if they're new or not (if they're new it say newbie/novice) to welcome them.

It's a personal thing too. I find it nice sometimes after a rough chat to see something semi-tangible in moving up one place in the progress path but what is important to remember is that you're value and ability as a listener is not defined by those numbers. I have seen some people on level 5 who I would consider to be a "better" listener than a level 500. It really is no competition.

As for badges, they are nice and they help you progress in the certification side of things (which i suppose is great if you want to put it in your CV or something?) -Even then you need AL3 which isn't available so idk.

They're a challenge and something we can aspire to but not if it gets in the way of our mission. We are here to help people.

At the end of the day, our badges and XP mean nothing if we didn't try to help the person who came to us. <3

calmRose33 March 22nd, 2016

@Sarah really nice sarah!! <3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 4th, 2022

Whatta lovely post, thankyou, @Sarah, your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. ❤