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updated on May 29, 2020 by Hope
Problems uploading a picture. Left review.
It's been helping me a lot.
This app is amazing, whenever I need to talk to someone I could come here :) everyone is so nice, and the listen :)
Gave it a five star review and the words "Great app."
I'm liking this app. Just added recently
I find the app too slow, it sticks, and it's difficult to punctuate properly.
I almost always end up having to leave the app and log on with my browser, as in chat I can't keep up with conversations, and replying is too laborious.
It did help!
Great website.
I really love the app but it is constantly having errors occur. I have noticed that my messages don't even send every time. I also am not alerted of new chats and it freezes a lot. Could this be a phone issue?
I am VERY grateful for it. One thing that will make it easier for me is if an alert will take me directly to the post the alert is about instead of the most recent posts in the thread. It will make it easier for people on the go who want to take part but don't necessarily have the time to read through everything. But great work guys. I'm so glad I found you!