Members - Welcome to 7 Cups! Introduce yourself Here!
Welcome to everyone who's joined our lovely community!
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This post is dedicated to welcoming members. If you are a listener, please show support to the members who post here! Listeners can introduce themselves here.
Hi there! We are so excited you joined 7 Cups! Allow us to welcome you by posting in this thread!
Please tell us why you are here and what topic are you seeking support for?
How can we best support you?
Here is a resource you may find helpful: Find Welcome Pack here!
Practice compassion and empathy for yourself and others. Also, on successful completion, get a chance to earn a shiny badge known as "Compassion Hero". Open Here!
edited by ASilentObserver as of Feb 17, 2021
hello my name is jjuly1034 i am having trouble with teen depression
Welcome! I’m glad you’re here and I’m proud of you for having self awareness and the ability to reach out for support and understanding ❤️
Looking for fellow socially awkward people that can relate to having difficulty making and keeping friends due to what seem to be autistic tendencies. I don't make eye contact with others because it feels very intrusive of their space. It feels rude, and I don't understand how it doesn't feel rude to other people. When I meet someone new that I like, I overshare almost immediately. I hate small talk and prefer to get into deep subjects. I tend to be argumentative, challenging the positions of others, beyond what is apparently appropriate. My uncle calls me hard nosed. I had to look that up! I had no idea what that meant. Oxford Languages has the informal definition as "realistic and determined; tough-minded." which I take as a compliment. But the Your Dictionary thesaurus suggests synonyms of "unyielding, hard-headed, obstinate, resolute, bull-headed, hard-boiled, hardheaded, inflexible, mulish, obdurate, and pigheaded." A bit more harsh, but in all honesty, they do describe me. So, I don't have trouble intruding on other peoples' mental spaces, just their physical spaces. Resisting the impulse to speak my mind is one of my biggest challenges. Verbal aggression when feeling very stressed is my second biggest challenge. These two challenges have caused estrangement from family members at different times in my life. I am currently estranged from my adult son, going on 7 years. It breaks my heart, but I understand.
Hi! I joined 7 Cups as a listener because I find it extremely important to give voices to those who would are in need of support. I know what it feels like not to have anyone there for them and I want to be that person who is always there for somebody else.
hi, i'm avocado. i don't really do well when getting to know new people and most of the time i feel like a failure and that everyone hates me, that's why i joined this website.
Hello my Conner and I'm a listener here for everyone
@Hope Not perfect but doing my bit to help others get through.
Hi, I'm me on here. Learning how to navigate this app. I'm working through some childhood trauma stuff and struggling with my anxiety and depression. I'm really just here to try to expand my support network.
Welcome to 7cups!
so happy to have you here, this is a safe space for you to explore your needs and struggles. I have no doubt that you will
be able to expand your network.
Wow, I can finally post... New here obviously. What brought me here? The death of my son on Feb 22. He died a very painful death. Cancer locked on to him pretty bad in the last few months. I wasn't able to be there with him, but we kept in touch online just about everyday up until it was impossible for him to type. So I'm here to work on my grief. I live in TN with David, Star, our Australian Cattle Dog, and Sparky our pesky cat we rescued back in 2013. We have an on and off relationship depending on the no-no places I find her from time to time. We consider ourselves old hippies, quiet and creative. I had 4 kids, minus one now. All grown. None nearby. David has none that he knows
Please don't ask or pressure me to become a listener right now. Thank you.
Hey, you are very brave and strong right now. I'm sorry to hear about your family and I hope you have a good support system at home. Best wishes.
Hi, I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that it takes allot of courage to open up. I am so happy that you are able to let us support you through this event. I am available to chat 1 on 1 if you would like.
I'm not new here, but I've only really been lurking here. I've never gotten involved but I am glad I'm here. I'm a wife and mother of 2. I'm a full time nurse. I live in Alabama. I came here because I deal with chronic pain, anxiety and trauma on a daily basis. I have PCOS and it causes a lot of other health issues. I have trauma related anxiety/depression and I need a safe place to let some of this go. I was assaulted in my early years and again in college. I've lost 2 children and have 2 amazing children here on earth. We don't have any family nearby so it's challenging most days. We have 2 cats and 2 dogs and live in the middle of nowhere LoL.
Well welcome anyways! It sounds like you have a very busy life but it sounds like you are on top of it. What kind of dogs do you have? Cats are also very sweet.
@Hope I joined because I want to help others fight off the issues that I dealt with.