Members - Welcome to 7 Cups! Introduce yourself Here!
Welcome to everyone who's joined our lovely community!
This post is outdated and no longer in use. Be sure to introduce yourself in our new official welcome thread for all users! Click here!
This post is dedicated to welcoming members. If you are a listener, please show support to the members who post here! Listeners can introduce themselves here.
Hi there! We are so excited you joined 7 Cups! Allow us to welcome you by posting in this thread!
Please tell us why you are here and what topic are you seeking support for?
How can we best support you?
Here is a resource you may find helpful: Find Welcome Pack here!
Practice compassion and empathy for yourself and others. Also, on successful completion, get a chance to earn a shiny badge known as "Compassion Hero". Open Here!
edited by ASilentObserver as of Feb 17, 2021
New members, welcome!
Hi there!I am just wanting someone to listen
I think I have social anxiety. When I reach out to people, it seems to drive them away making me feel worse.
@Hope...I'd like to talk about the angry side of bipolar...the venomous snake that happens when I'm moving between episodes. I want to shake this feeling that I'm not the only alcholic with bipolar. I'm not doing good and I reach out to all these websites and they are about cats and lawn a room....not what I need help with right now.
Hi @bluePlane8270. I'm sorry to hear you've felt let down by other websites - I've been in that position, and it can be really hard to reach out only to find that the people you're reaching out to don't really "get" it or only have toxic positivity to offer. 😟
Reaching out to a listener can be really helpful when you need to vent; it might take a few tries to find someone who clicks with you, so don't be afraid to ask to talk to someone else if you feel the person isn't helping. You can also check out listeners' profiles and look under the "categories" section to see what issues they have lived experience of (look for the yellow star) - that way, you can pick a listener who has bipolar themselves if you think it would help.
We also have a "Bipolar, Schizophrenia & Psychosis Support" sub-community where you can talk to other members going through similar issues:
Sending a warm welcome out to all the new members. We're happy that you're here. Lots of options for support and learning. 😄
Very exciting 😊
Welcome all 😊
i’m here to help anyone in need. i have been threw a lot and i can sympathize with people, i’ve always loved doing that. being able to make people even the littlest amount happier makes my day.