Members - Welcome to 7 Cups! Introduce yourself Here!
Welcome to everyone who's joined our lovely community!
This post is outdated and no longer in use. Be sure to introduce yourself in our new official welcome thread for all users! Click here!
This post is dedicated to welcoming members. If you are a listener, please show support to the members who post here! Listeners can introduce themselves here.
Hi there! We are so excited you joined 7 Cups! Allow us to welcome you by posting in this thread!
Please tell us why you are here and what topic are you seeking support for?
How can we best support you?
Here is a resource you may find helpful: Find Welcome Pack here!
Practice compassion and empathy for yourself and others. Also, on successful completion, get a chance to earn a shiny badge known as "Compassion Hero". Open Here!
edited by ASilentObserver as of Feb 17, 2021
@Hope I am excited to be here and help!
@Hope I'm so glad
Hey everybody! I'm new here as of today. I'm here to get therapy on LGBTQ+ issues, relationship issues, and also identifying attributes about myself that I need to deter from to have healthier relationships among my peers and everyday life. And I'm also thinking of becoming a listener soon!
Welcome Park to the community.
Hello, Park! Welcome to the community 😊
hey everyone I am a new listener I am just very grateful I get to help others and try to impact there lives with just listening and helping in anyway I can because mental health is very important to talk about and nobody should ever feel alone. I am happy to become apart of this Community
I responded to a member here, but generally introducing myself as well. I'm Lala and I'm swiftly falling in love with the 7 Cups community. I have an abundance of patience and compassion to share. You are not alone!
Hello! I'm Blossom, and I'm a new listener here. I'm very excited to get started on my listener journey and to meet some amazing people along the way. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity! 😊
Hello ThoughtfulBlossom, I am EmpatheticButton. Welcome, welcome! I am relatively new here and still learning how to listen better. There is so much to learn here.
@Hope Hi. I'm not sure if I want to be a Listener yet, maybe after my life settles down a bit. I'm dealing with PTSD and fighting off depression and anxiety at the moment. I'm physically disabled from domestic violence and feeling resentment and anger just doesn't work for me, but it's difficult when I can't walk where I want to go, or stand to make a meal without remembering how I got this way.
My username translates roughly to "quiet strength" or 'docile strength" strength in serving others.
@Hope Hello everyone