**CALLING ALL WRITERS** Special internship with 7 Cups Managing Editor
If you love to write, are a grammar nerd, have experience or interested in the editorial and marketing field, join me!
I'm putting together a team of editorial volunteers to help craft, format, and do outreach for content on 7cups.com/experts.
How to apply:
Fill out this form and email your resume along with the role(s) you're interested in and what you'd like to get out of the experience to editorial@7cups.com.
We will have fun! Can't wait to hear from you!
Please note this opportunity is currently open for Members and Listeners who are age 17+ and can commit the time needed to do this!
id love to do this unfortuanatley my grammer stinks
Hi! When does this start, and how much time must we take out for this, if we are chosen for the internship?
Im intersted in this, however i have a fulltime job so i cant take it up its a heavy load of work. If it not much i would love to hepl after work or weekdays. BTW I have expernece in similar area.
wow,this is a great opportunity that i would love to be a part of!
@wordgirl73 Although I don't imagine I'd have the time for this role, I've just taken a look at our Expert Mental Health News & Advice page. The latest article there seems to contain obsolete information, citing a source called DSM-5 but actually quoting the much older DSM-IV, which was superseded in 2013. Then I checked on the author's qualifications, and they didn't exactly match either.
There are a few minor issues in the article that an editor would have been able to fix, but the important issues go deeper.
@wordgirl73 Hi, this sounds really awesome thank you for notifying us the community about this. Can I ask if there is anyone I can PM or email if I have any questions about the form, since it seems that a lot of the questions on it is what would normally constitute a cover letter for a resume? Thank you.
What an awesome experience!
How long will this opportunity be open for? I'd love to help out but I'm quite busy with university and the listening internship right now. Will you still be accepting applications in the fall?