how long have you been self harm free? (possible trigger warning: SH)
I've seen this sort of thing on a couple of other sites.
It's to put your accomplishments, relapses or anything you want it to be
you could post every day if you need to or once a month, no accomplishments too small.
and if you relapse, you are strong. and you can do this.
I will try get back to as many people as I can and if you need message me on here.
if this doesn't work oh well, but id like to see it work.
Hope you are liking all the cute cat pictures! [v] here is your next clue, where can you introduce yourself if you're new to the subcommunity this month?
54 Days Clean :)
@BrightSummer889 - it has been great to see you posting in here with what you are up to and things that are happening. 54 days is awesome sweetie!! We are all so proud of you. When things get hard there are people around who want to help you. Stay strong and keep thoes numbers coming
5 months without any self harm! Its benn hard, really hard, but i've done it
@considerateChick congratulations with keeping strong even through hard times. 5 months is so wonderful and i hope you are very proud of your self cause i know i am. Well done
Well done! ! How did you get through the hard stretches?
I would have been about a month clean if I hadn't done it last night :^(
We all have the relapse at some point. It's okay. It's how we come back from it that counts. Wishing you the best and I know you can do it!
It's been about two months but I'm on the verge of relapse so if someone wants to help in talking me down tonight I would really appreciate it..
I'm here for you. What's wrong?
55 days clean!! :)
@BrightSummer889, don't stop, you're going on and on and I feel like celebrating your success already, still following your progress and you're doing so well. <3
Almost a week, it may not seem like a big deal to most of you but I'm really trying
A week is still an amazing achievement, well done! :)
At the moment I've been 24 days clean although my best was 3 months.
@ShyKitty2000, if your best was 3 months then this time you're going to do 3 months, 1 day or more; I believe in you, you can do this and hey, I'm proud of you.
I've haven't cut myself for over a year! And I have to admit it's gotten to a point now where I actually forget how long it's been. Other forms of self harm that I think aren't as bad as cutting I still struggle with. But man, I do have to feel a little bit proud☺️
@eli66, a bit proud?! Whaaaaat? I am so proud, I did a little victory dance for you, one day you shall forget the memories and the time you self harmed will seem from another lifetime.
You are a success story in many ways. You're doing so great!
I started cutting when I was eight but now that I understand what I am doing, I have been doing it less and less. Now it has been 1 month since I last cut. My last recorded was 2 weeks. 13 years old by the way
@Nayaybell13, a month is a big deal, specially when you started at such an early age. After a while, we get programmed to do things a certain way and you're slowly unprogramming yourself, so this is great progress, specially since you've broken your last record. Congratulations!
About an hour, before it had been about three weeks.
@Lostgirl2001, I hope the hour turns into a day and then a week and then some, good luck!