how long have you been self harm free? (possible trigger warning: SH)
I've seen this sort of thing on a couple of other sites.
It's to put your accomplishments, relapses or anything you want it to be
you could post every day if you need to or once a month, no accomplishments too small.
and if you relapse, you are strong. and you can do this.
I will try get back to as many people as I can and if you need message me on here.
if this doesn't work oh well, but id like to see it work.
Hope you are liking all the cute cat pictures! [v] here is your next clue, where can you introduce yourself if you're new to the subcommunity this month?
4 days
70 days Clean :)
Congratulations! That is so great :) keep it up and you'll be another 70 before you know it.
I have been self harming on and off since I was ten years old. I am now fifteen years old and I'm still struggling with self harm. I see a psychiatrist and therapist every month. I am finally on the right medications for my several diagnoses, but I still cannot shake this life consuming addiction. Like I said I self harm on and off, meaning I either go weeks without self harming or I end up self harming really dangerously for weeks on end. I was five weeks and three days clean from my self harm addiction, until September 21 came I relapsed. Of course knowing myself I relapsed again September 26, so as of today I am two days self harm free. I suppose I should be proud of myself because I haven't cut on my legs/thighs in three years. The only reason I stopped was cause of how deep the scars were, to this day after three years the scars haven't faded at all. Which only makes it harder walking around in shorts in public. I get stares all the time, but the worst part is when someone asks you about it. It only triggers me more because its none of their business, they don't need to judge me about my mistakes I've made, and the fact that I say my scars are three years old and they don't believe me. They act like I'm lying about it, I've even had strangers argue with me about it. I finally learned to let it go, but its a major trigger for me.
I'm so proud of you. 2 days is just as impressive as 2 weeks because it means you're trying
0 days.. I was 20 days clean but I relapsed..
I've been self harm free for 3 years now because I've found another alternative to it which is smoking weed.
What ever works for you works! Always remember to stay positive and productive on your journey! :)
That's definitely a less harmful alternative as long as you aren't letting it take over your life. If it works, it works.
4 days clean
Was 3 weeks until now :/
Im so sorry i havent been on. I didnt expect this to become so popular.
Whatever day, month, yr, week youre on you're doing so well and youre so strong for trying.
Thankyou to all the people writing supportive comments on the way
You guys are all awesom!!!
71 days clean :)