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Oreo Game!

24Help1 July 18th, 2020

Hello everyone! Welcome to an icebreaker! This wont be the traditional icebreaker 🤭 This will be a game!

To start, answer the following questions:

1. How many Oreos would you take from a never-ending bowl?

2. How many cookies (of your preferred flavor) would you take from a never-ending plate?

3. How many strawberries would you eat from a never-ending box?

Once you have your 3 numbers, add them up!

What number did you get? Thats the number of interesting facts you have to share with us about yourself/your roles on 7cups!

I cant wait to hear everybodys answers!

Feathersfall July 23rd, 2020


1. 4, 2 and 0. I got 6

Feathersfall July 23rd, 2020

1. I got COVID

2. I have a sweet tooth, I just rein it in.

3. I love birds! I especially love parakeets, since I have them!

4. I am adopted

5. I don't like eating things from a box, for some reason I think that it's poisoned.

6. I have a "twin" sister that was born on the same day as me, we just don't share the same birth mom!

24Help1 OP July 23rd, 2020


I hope you're okay after getting COVID! I have a secret sweet tooth too, but it's a shame you can't eat boxed chocolates! Birds really are fabulous, and having a twin sounds so cool! Thank you for participating!

bouncySalamander26 July 23rd, 2020


I hope you're better now! *sending infinite hugs*Purple heart

Yayyy-a fellow "not a huge fan of strawberry"? And I love birds too, although I'm more inclined towards the crows~ (points at pfp)

bouncySalamander26 July 23rd, 2020


1. How many Oreos would you take from a never-ending bowl?
Well-my answer is most certainly not an accurate representation-but considering that I could take how many ever I wanted-I would probably be content with 4.
(One would definitely not want to end up with a condition as grievous as the havoc-wreaking Oreo burnoutDizzy)

2. How many cookies (of your preferred flavor) would you take from a never-ending plate?
A mere 2...Nay, 3...Um, scratch that-6 (I think you see where I am headed)

3. How many strawberries would you eat from a never-ending box?

Ooooh-I am not a huge fan of strawberries (high-five @VickyP), so I'm going to stop with 1.

So- 4+6+1=11 Astonished

(How did I get here? Redoes the Math)

Ah well-it is what it is. Here goes:

1. I'm an incredibly confused person irl, and so whenever someone asks me for my opinion-I usually go "I dunno". I end up opposing my own opinion when I do have one, and for the sake of mental equilibrium-I try and refrain from having any opinions at all(except "No pineapples on my pizza", of course!).

2. I love the stage. In no way do I mean to say that I am a good actor, but I am extremely free in expressing myself, when I am on stage-it's just a strangely wonderful feeling.

3. I love walking around in areas I am not familiar with. Or taking the local trains or buses to other places!

4. I work best-creatively, after I have overslept (>9.5 hours).

5. Though Tamil is my mother-tongue, my accent while speaking it is a lot different, from how it is locally spoken. Hence, before I ask/state something-in the language, I'm super anxious about my enunciation.

6. I involuntarily bow while thanking someone. It's a superpower at times.Winking

7. I observe the birds and animals in our neighborhood keenly. Lol, I have been fortunate-to notice some super funny incidences involving a squirrel and a crow.

8. I sometimes lose interest in reading mid-way, even if I was extremely interested in the beginning. It rarely has to do with the content.

9. I love playing the air-electric-guitar~(Who am I kidding? I do not know how to play a guitar)

10. If you're my neighbor, you've likely heard my singing voice (*hides*)

11. Well, I don't have any roles here. But, I never knew what the chatrooms were for, until after I had spent a looooong time here! I didn't know the forums either!

Thank you for tagging me, @optimisticMagic0014 !!Purple heart


Thank you for this wonderful post, Mary!!! (You had me thinking quite a bit!) Purple heart

24Help1 OP July 23rd, 2020


Don't worry, 11 isn't the most that we've gotten haha. You may get backlash for the no pineapple on pizza 😱 I understand the bowing if the stage is your home! Your guitaring and singing skills are probably perfect for that! Traveling is very interesting, but you wouldn't want to go to new places with @rebecca947 ! Birds are very interesting, but I can never tell them apart. Sleeping that much is truly a skill! It took me like 2 years to come out of my PM hiding and go into the community, you aren't alone in that one!

bouncySalamander26 July 24th, 2020


I dare say it isn't.

Ooooh-did you just manage to rationalize why I bow-Astonished I never thought of that! And oh, I love getting lost-so, i absolutely would not mind that trip with @rebecca947~

And haha, I'm super-glad to know I'm not the only one who took as long to come out of hiding!

Thank you for responding, and have a wonderful day!

bouncySalamander26 July 24th, 2020


I dare say it isn't.

Ooooh-did you just manage to rationalize why I bow-Astonished I never thought of that! And oh, I love getting lost-so, i absolutely would not mind that trip with @rebecca947~

And haha, I'm super-glad to know I'm not the only one who took as long to come out of hiding!

Thank you for responding, and have a wonderful day!

rebecca947 July 24th, 2020


Yay Bouncy! HA, @24Help1! *Someone* doesn't mind my directionally challenged skills! xD and Bouncy, please do tell about the squirrel and crow?!

bouncySalamander26 July 25th, 2020


Hehe, as I think that I am lost when I'm actually walking on the street, the opposite way-I would love to get *legitimately lost* xD

Are you sure about the story? (If you've changed your mind, skip the next four paragraphs)

There was this one time when, a crow decided to sit on the same branch a squirrel was just casually *sniffing* on. For some reason, the squirrel was super-annoyed that the crow was sitting right in front of it-and after considerable thought (and giving the crow the benefit of the doubt),it ran right at it. Ideally, the crow should have flown off to another tree (there are atleast 60 in the vicinity)-but no, this crow was different Smiling with horns

It just hopped on to the adjacent branch.
It was super-amusing to watch the squirrel run back to the main branch, change direction and charge at the crow again, only to have the crow hop on to the next, adjacent branch.

This recurred multiple times, and each time the squirrel would have to scurry all the way back, do a U-turn to the new branch, and run at the crow, while the crow would just fly over to the edge of the next branch, super-confused as to why the squirrel was running at it. At the end, the squirrel gave up, and the crow, now annoyed at the lack of attention it was receiving, left to a whole another tree.

(The story was originally much longer, but I had to compress it. And, disclaimer: The narrator does not make any attestation as to the veracity of the feelings described in the story- that either the crow or the squirrel, were feeling)

TheAtticusFinch July 23rd, 2020


Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary!! <3 I hope you're having a great day whenever you read this <3

1. How many Oreos would you take from a never-ending bowl?

None :P Oreos are too sweet :P I don't like overly sugary things hehe :P

2. How many cookies (of your preferred flavor) would you take from a never-ending plate?

Oat meal raisin cookies are objectively the better cookies and I would take just 1 oat meal raisin cookie!

3. How many strawberries would you eat from a never-ending box?

Oh wait I like this food item!!! How kind of you Mary, to offer Atticus fruit when you didn't even know that fruit was her favorite thinggggg hehee <3 I would take only 5 though and share the rest with @hopedreamlove >:)

Thank you for the icebreaker Mary!! :D

TheAtticusFinch July 23rd, 2020


Wow, Atticus doesn't read directions.. I'm so embarrassed hehe <3


1) I'm an avid reader and I read too many books and I run a political bookclub!

2) I've been on 7 cups for around 6 months now!

3) My favorite thing about 7 cups is the projects and the people :)

4) I'm sort of a health nut :P I workout every morning at 5:30AM and I'm vegan :P

5) I bullet journal and I love stationery!

6) I'm very into social justice and politics! :) Which explains a bit of why I do highschool debate

Hope you can forgive me for Atticus' snoozy brain :P

24Help1 OP July 23rd, 2020


No oreos :o I'm offended!

I can see you're very into politics considering your book club! 7cups is great, I'm glad you've been here for 6 months already!

Oreos are vegan too, smh! I also love stationery! 135 highlighters and counting!

rebecca947 July 24th, 2020


OMGOMGOMG YOU BULLET JOURNAL?! I'm hopping into your PMs RIGHT. NOW. And how did I not know this fact?!?!?!

hopedreamlove July 23rd, 2020


Aww thank you for tagging me and sharing your favourite fruit with me!

I would take 0 oreos, (not a huge fan) 4 cookies, (chocolate chip only of course) and 4 strawberries, so 8!

1.) I am incredibly quiet and shy person in real life
2.) Living in the UK is my dream
3.) I am obsessed with Hamilton
4.) I am also obsessed with one direction
5.) My favourite color is burgundy
6.) I love everything British including the spelling, which is the way I spell now!
7.) I am extremely passionate about social causes and am very involved in my local community
8.) I play violin and piano

@24Help1 Thanks for this post Mary, it is very interesting and fun!

24Help1 OP July 23rd, 2020


The number of people who don't like Oreos is shocking!

I'm glad you like the UK, but I must say *colour haha. Hamilton, One Direction, and instruments are all amazing! I'm glad you are involved in your community, it makes sense that you are on 7cups then!

hopedreamlove July 23rd, 2020


Ahh I had it spelled "colour" which is why I shared fact 6 lol. I'm guessing auto correct changed my spelling to the American way. Thank you for responding!

throwthemaracas July 24th, 2020


-i would probably take only 1 oreo (bc apparently we can take other cookies and strawberries as well haha) i would take 3 chocolate chip cookies because those are AMAZING and i would take 3 strawberries

i guess im gonna share 7 facts about myself :)

1) I can kinda speak 4 languages. I'm fluent in english and tagalog and im learning greek and french

2) sharks are my favorite animal

3) i have an odd interest in ww2 (i really dont know why hnghn)

4) i used to do gymnastics when i was like 7 years old

5) i'm here to talk if you want to :)

6) i love queen (the band, but yknow i guess the queen is great as well)

7) i almost drowned once during PE at my school when we were doing water sports (its quite an interesting story honestly)



Boosting for more visibilty <3