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vent? TW

ilovesleepinggg33 May 30th, 2023

I started self harm when i was like 8 or 9 it used to be simple pinching or scratching on my arms but over the year's it got worse. Fights with my parents, getting bullied, abuse both mentally and physically and more. At the age 11 I found the comfort in using the blade on my wrists. That bn was a few year's ago and I still haven't stopped. The scars spread to multiple parts of my body my thighs, my wrist my shoulders my chest my stomach my hand. Scars cover my body and my clothes cover the scars. Scars no one knows about. My parents say I can't keep secrets but I've been keeping this secret for year's on year's. This month has been the hardest. New fresh cuts cover my body every day. It's a comforting feeling for a while but then it's just pain. Once you start you can never stop.

Mya000 June 3rd, 2023


I'm really sorry to hear that you've been struggling with self-harm for such a long time. It's important to remember that you don't have to face this alone. It can be incredibly difficult to break the cycle, but reaching out for support is an important step towards healing.

Consider confiding in a trusted adult, such as a parent, teacher, or counsellor, who can help you access the professional support and resources you need. They can guide you towards therapy or counselling services where you can work through your feelings and find healthier coping mechanisms.

Remember, you deserve to be supported and to receive help. There are people who care about you and want to support you. Recovery is possible, and with the right help, you can find healthier ways to manage your emotions and find comfort.

UncreativeMe June 7th, 2023


You're not alone. I started very early too with selfharm. I used to scartch open wounds ever time I had some. It soon became an addiction. So I turned out to cut.

It is very difficult to overcome such a long addiction but it can be possible when you find a person to open up. That can be a friend, a family member (although I know that if you keep it a secret it is more challanging to open up) or a stranger here on 7cups.

Please remember there are people going through the same as you, so you're never alone. They can understand what you're going through. Everyone selfharming deservs to heal, and so do you! Also remember your scars are signs of what you survived and they can make you stronger than any other person, because they'll always show you how strong you are to survive and live.

I wish you the best and take care!😊