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i almost did it (tw sh)

bubbleFig686 February 9th, 2023

(TW SH) i almost did it after all these years. my life is so much better than it was back then yet sometimes i fall back into that old way of thinking.

MistyMagic February 9th, 2023

@bubbleFig686 Well done Bubble! That is great to hear. You should be proud! What suggestions do you have for others that may help them?

Listening - One Step At A Time!

bubbleFig686 OP February 9th, 2023

learning what i was dealing with and understanding myself better helped a lot!

MistyMagic February 9th, 2023

@bubbleFig686 Good answer. Learning about triggers and distraction and avoidance techniques can be very helpful too.

Do you keep a journal?

Listening - One Step At A Time!

bubbleFig686 OP February 9th, 2023

yes, itโ€™s how i try to manage everything going on. it gives space to come back to it and see what i was going thru earlier

MistyMagic February 10th, 2023

@bubbleFig686 I agree, writing things down and then looking back can be really useful.

I am so pleased for you, it is one day at a time and we can do this! Do you share with anyone how you feel?

Listening - One Step At A Time!

purplelady568 February 10th, 2023

@bubbleFig686 Wow, that is pretty incredible. I am so glad that you were able to look back and realize that you are now in a better place than you were. It sounds like you've learned some pretty good coping skills, like reflection, journaling, and recognizing your triggers.

Thank you for being brave and vulnerable and posting about your struggles.

I am glad you are here, and part of 7cups. ((Hugs))


CalmWaves3939 February 27th, 2023


That's a lovely response Purple! And I couldn't agree more ๐ŸŒŸ

CalmWaves3939 February 27th, 2023


Thank you for sharing bubblefig ๐Ÿ’—

It is really positive you are able to reflect on the positive changes in your life, it really shows your growth and resilience. Remember we are all only human and it's okay to stumble, it's okay to fall, it's what we do to get back up that matters. It sounds like you did well not to do it and it's really positive you recognised when you were falling back into that old way of thinking because that's how we get backup ๐Ÿ’— You are doing so well and I am proud of you, we are here for you