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Self Harm

QueerDragonsRule July 17th

I need some advice on how to stop sh. Or at least to make it less frequent

Optimisticempath July 17th

@QueerDragonsRule v proud of you for trying to stop <3 have you tried any alternatives? anything that seems to work for you?

QueerDragonsRule OP July 17th


no nothing makes it as better as sh does

Kristynsmama July 19th


Giving advice of how to stop could be harmful to you.  I don’t want to advise you to try something that may not work for you and disappoint you.  What things have you tried in the past? And do you have a support network outside of Cups?

QueerDragonsRule OP July 19th

That’s a good idea. I do have a few people I could talk to. Thx

Csai July 26th

To @QueerDragonsRule. it's important to know what you have tried to recommend something with higher chance of working for you. Most common sh reduction technics are about self-expression. Learning to draw, dance, act, sing, play an instrument or write novels. In other cases people find physical activities more helpful. If you are touch or physical experience starved, or need to release stress/anger you can try sports, martial arts or many other things.

Home that helps and you will reply some time 🫂🌸

QueerDragonsRule OP July 27th

Thanks, Csai. I have decided that I’m going to learn to skateboard. I know it’s gonna be hard but I hope it’ll work! 😎🤙🛹

Csai July 26th

To kristy. You have a point. But it seems strange to reply no to post seeking advice. "Learn something new and find what works best for you" is a common principle of making your life better. It's ok to be disappointed in something, after some time you will find strength to move on and try again.

We can talk about it more if you want