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Relapsed after three months (trigger warning)

floraM13 November 6th, 2020

Hi everyone. So, I was three months clean from self-harm. Then I failed a chemistry quiz yesterday, and I guess that caused me to spiral. It wasn't like I didn't know what I was doing, I knew exactly what I was doing, my brain gave me many chances not to self-harm, but I forced myself to. Every time I think of my grade I just want to self-harm over and over. At this point I don't know if it is worth trying to stay clean again. I'm just so frustrated and alone.

Slizzy564 November 6th, 2020


Hi there !

First of all congratulations on being 3 months clean ! Trust me, it's something worth celebrating !

I'm sorry to hear about your quiz though. As much as it seems like a failure at the moment, with time some of those feelings will diminish. I don't know where you feel like you are on the road to recovery, but you're still on the road. By staying clean for 3 months, you've proved to yourself that you can do it. When we're confronted to emotions that are hard to deal with, we tend to go back to our old habits because they're familiar and familiarity brings comfort. It would make sense that while finding it hard to deal with the 'failure' of your exam you would go back to self harm, even consciously. Though there are a few things that I'd like to point out :

- You've identified what triggers your need to self harm, maybe you could try to think about another way to deal with your emotions ? Here is a list of alternatives.

- You've been clean once, so that means that you can do it again. Plus this time, you have the experience of having already done it once !

- You, just like anyone else, are worthy of love and that also includes self love. That alone would make it worth trying to stay clean.

- You're not alone. If need be, you can reach out to us here on the forums or you can connect with a listener if you prefer a 1 on 1 chat.

Take care <3

floraM13 OP November 7th, 2020


Thank you so much. It means so much that you took the time to write out such a lengthy, genuine reply. At the moment, I am not sure if I want to recover, at least right now. I will take a look at the alternatives though. Your last two points really mean a lot to me, thank you so so much. I really appreciate this

Slizzy564 November 7th, 2020


My pleasure :) Even if you're considering recovery then you've made a little step ! I'm glad to hear that you're considering the alternatives :) I often talk about 'choosing battles', as in there no point trying to fight too many battles at the same time. You can decide to start this one when you're ready and if that's not now, then that's fine too. Everything is it's own time right ? Hang in there and if need be, you know where to find us for support :) <3