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How to cover up scars?

User Profile: Lilachocolatecake
Lilachocolatecake April 10th, 2024

Hi I'm clean for about 4 month's witch is great but of course I still have visible scars on my left arm. Now that sommer is coming I hate having to wear long sleeves again like the last 2 years while everyone else walks around in shirts. I think my scars are sort of healed but they are white if you know what I mean so they are definitely visible. Does anyone have tips on how to cover them up without wearing long sleeves?

User Profile: Kristynsmama
Kristynsmama April 15th, 2024


hey Lilac!  This is an excellent question.  I know that summer time is difficult on a lot of people that have scars from self harm.  I used to wear long sleeves in the summer too.  I certainly understand your desire to cover your scars.  I don’t really have any tips, but just wanted to share that healing came for me when I accepted my scars as part of me and part of my past.  That was when I stopped trying to hide them.  I’m wondering how you feel about your scars?  When you look at them, what feelings bubble up to the surface?


User Profile: SoulSun808
SoulSun808 April 30th, 2024


I know how that feels. I'm in the same position and I am, just wearing long shirts in summer too or as an alternitive like a crop top with a light blouse over it. It makes it less warm but still covers your scars. But the best way to deal with it is probalby to work on yourself to eventually accept your scars, so you don't need to hide them any longer.

You can do it and don't worry if it takes some time that's normal. <3

But I'm proud of you even if it doesn't work on first try 😘

You can do that, I believe in you! ^^

User Profile: Remina
Remina May 2nd, 2024


Congrats on four months clean. This is great! As far as covering the scars, make up or concealer? Are those things an option?

User Profile: LostGirl92
LostGirl92 May 3rd, 2024

I used a lot of arm warmers and fingerless gloves. Some are or can be made to be thinner or more summer vibe. I've also used things like kinesthetic tape. When I was really going to be seen and did not want any attention I would often use concealer. There are(or used to be)some YouTube videos on how to cover scars with concealer. The best I found was the kind that is meant to cover tattoos.

Also adding that scars often appear more red or visible when they are cold. I would rub my arms a little if they were bar eand I got cold so they wouldn't show through. I also used bio oil to reduce the appearance and deformity of the scars.

Hope something helps and you have a great summer.