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Teen Safety Series: Tip #3- Take control of your 7 Cups experience!

ASilentObserver April 1st

Hello and welcome to the Teen Safety Series. In today’s post, we will be learning one more step. At 7 Cups, we believe everyone deserves a safe and supportive space to connect.  That simply means giving you the power to control your experiences.

If you are feeling uncomfortable in a chat/ group chat? You don't have to. You can shape your experiences.

We offer a couple of handy tools to help you feel comfortable and in control.

  1. Block Button:  In 1-1 chat with a listener, if a listener's behavior makes you feel uneasy, you can block them with a single click. This will prevent them from contacting you again. Listeners can utilize the same in case a member’s behavior is not respectful or appropriate. 
  2. Mute Button: In the group support chats, sometimes you might just need a break from a conversation. The personal mute function allows you to hide messages from specific members/listeners without leaving the room entirely. Also, you can report/ block them if their behavior is causing discomfort to you. 

Please know, you are in control of your experiences. And, please don't hesitate to use these tools to create a positive and comfortable experience for yourself.  We are here with you to support you in taking charge of your well-being on 7 Cups.

Here are a few more steps you can take:

Report inappropriate behavior: If something makes you feel unsafe, please report it through the "Report an issue" link.   

Take breaks: It is okay to step away from a chat or group chat if you need some time for yourself.

Focus on positive interactions: Seek out listeners who make you feel supported and understood.

Please know we are here for you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us for any support. And, let's work together to make 7 Cups a welcoming and supportive space for everyone. 

Did you check out Tip #1 & #2? Find them here!


ASilentObserver OP April 1st

Taggin a few teen friends to help us spread the word! Tag your friends and pass it on to everyone! Your help and support will be much appreciated 

@Darkerplaces @theboymoana @Apeatrice @unassumingeyes

Heather225 April 1st


thanks for this comprehensive post! 

teenies reading this: did you learn something new?

Apeatrice April 2nd

Thanks for tagging me here, obs. 

(I don't wanna share anything related, forgive me.)

Tagging some peeps here; 

@Sompo2402, @FierceOak222 …