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Teen Safety Tips: Tip #5

AnnaSilverberg April 16th

Hay you awesome sparkles of amazement ✨ !

Do you know what time it is?

Yaaas you dooo!

It is Teen Safety Tips Time! (Say that ten times fast 😂)

This awesome series started with this legendary post, take a peek here

Today, we’ll chat about the nice public Wi-Fi that we can see available in so many places.

It is so nice and we might think “Whatever, I’m getting that Wi-Fi”
And that’s okay, because who doesn’t want free Wi-Fi, right? 🤷‍♀️

The thing about those public Wi-Fi's though is that they aren’t always safe 😯

So🤔 a good thing to keep in mind is to avoid accessing personal accounts or
enter all that sensitive information when we’re connected to the public Wi-Fi

🔔 An additional cool tip 🔔
Disable the location sharing feature 📵 🌎

Many apps and social media platforms offer location sharing features.
So, be mindful of which apps have access to your location and disable it unless absolutely necessary.


Thank you so much for checking out this fun Teen Safety Tip!

Ouh! 😁
And check these fun safety tips out as well:
Tip 1, Tip 2, Tip 3 & Tip 4


"Sparkles of amazement" sounds sooo lovely hehe, thank you for this awesome tip, Anna. Very important to keep in mind!💛

And smh I did twist my tongue trying to say that fast 10 times!😂😭

Heather225 April 17th


Embarrassed to admit I went to check just now to make sure Location Sharing is off but that's what these tips are for! 😂 Thanks for sharing this Anna

AnnaSilverberg OP April 17th

That means that the tips are helpful 