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Connecting Lives: International Crisis Resources List for 7Cups

Lunaire00 December 13th, 2023

(1/2/24 NOTE: This project is on hold. Sorry for the inconvenience!)

Hello 7Cups Community!

I’m excited to invite compassionate listeners like you all to be a part of a meaningful project and team: the 7Cups Crisis Resources Team! The goal of this project is to compile a comprehensive list of international crisis resources to support 7Cups users globally, as we have noticed crisis resources for some countries are more limited than for others. 

As it is just currently myself on the team, I am looking for other interested listeners to join and assist with compiling and entering information, or to assist with the admin and logistics of the project. 

✅ Requirements 

  • Adult Verified Listener 
  • Be a part of 7Cups for 2+ months (No Newbie badge) 
  • Commitment to dedicating 1-2 hours/month during the first phase (less frequent commitment needed in the second phase) 
  • No Behavioral Reports in the last 3 months 

💜 Qualities you should have

  • Passionate about mental health and crisis resources 
  • Responsive and effective in a collaborative team environment 
  • Detail-oriented for accurate data entry 
  • Basic tech skills for online tools, specifically Google Docs and Google Sheets 
  • Clear and effective communication 
  • Initiative and contribution to project improvement 

Special Request - If there are any listeners who are familiar with coding, specifically setting up user searchable databases using GitHub/Notion etc, please reach out to me as I would like to explore the idea of collating the data into a database as opposed to a Google Doc/Sheet. This is currently an idea and not part of the project.🤍

📄 Team Member Duties 

There are two phases you can join, depending on whether you’d like to help with data compilation or administrative side:

Short Term Commitment - Phase 1: Data Compilation (Estimated 1-3 months)

For those who wish to assist with Data Compilation:

  • Responsibilities: 
    • Identify 3-5 major hotlines/resources per country for suicide/self-harm/general emergencies that adhere to our trustworthiness guidelines.
      • Countries to Cover: There are 195 countries on the list, and we aim to cover as many as possible.
    • Data Entry: Input information into the Google Document/Sheet, including the hotline’s name, contact details (number, etc.), operating hours, website, and any other pertinent details.
    • Quota: No monthly quota; contribute as much as you can. Active participation is appreciated throughout the compilation phase. Afterward, feel free to leave the team if needed, as only a few listeners will assist with upkeep. If you are inactive for more than 6 weeks, you will be required to reapply. 
    • Cheers: Earn 10 cheers per resource captured/entered correctly.

For those who wish to assist with the administrative duties:

  • Responsibilities:
    • Application Tracking: Maintain an accurate and up-to-date record of team members and their applications using the designated Google Sheet.
    • Data Compilation Dashboard: Monitor the data compilation dashboard in Google Sheets and promptly address any issues, errors, or concerns related to data compilation to uphold accuracy
    • Communication
      • Facilitate effective communication among team members by relaying important updates, changes, or announcements.
      • Act as a liaison between data compilation team members and project leadership, ensuring a smooth flow of information.
    • Country Resource Assistance: Contact listeners from countries where we are facing challenges in finding crisis resources for assistance with obtaining crisis resources for that region and/or verification of resources, etc
    • Cheers: TBD

This role is suited for those with an experience and understanding of working with Google Sheets, and that are comfortable with reaching out to listeners. 

Long Term Commitment - Phase 2: Updates, Upkeep, and Diversification of the List (3+ months)

For those who wish to assist with Admin: Updates & Upkeep

  • Responsibilities:
    • Monitoring Responses: A Google Form will be introduced for 7Cups users to add, edit or correct information on the list. Team members will monitor the Google Form responses.
    • Update Frequency: Regularly update the resources list every 1-2 months to incorporate user submissions and ensure the list remains accurate and relevant.
    • Cheers: Earn 10 cheers per edit/correction/addition made.

For those who wish to assist with Data Compilation: Diversification

  • Responsibilities 
    • Compile resources for specific issues such as domestic violence, sexual assault, etc., with the same format for compiling the information as Phase 1.
    • Cheers: Earn 10 cheers per resource captured/entered correctly.

💗 Why Join? 

  • Empower 7Cups users during crisis situations
  • Strengthen community support within 7Cups
  • Extend 7Cups' reach to an international audience
  • Reduce barriers to help-seeking

👉 Interested? Please fill out this Google Form

👉 If you have any questions, please message Lunaire00. 

👉 The Admin contact for this project is @Heather225 

A special and huge thank you to @Suryansh for assisting with the project and helping me make it a reality! 💜

Thank you for your interest, and I look forward to making a positive impact together! 🤍🌷

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 13th, 2023

@Lunaire00 @Suryansh @Heather225 

Oooh this is such an awesome project, y'all! Thank you for working on this, would certainly be super helpful for the community! 

I think @Asher was working on creating a similar database for resources (not specifically crisis related, but included too) earlier, and might have some insight or existing database to add more onto! 

Either way, thank you to everyone collaborating on this special project!❤

Lunaire00 OP December 13th, 2023


As always Sun, thank you for the immeasurable kindness and support you show the community and all projects! 🤍🌷

I had a look at @Asher's project and it seems very interesting, I will try to get in touch with them soon! It seems their project focused on North America (as of the last update) and collecting resources from all topics to offer better support. A database like that would be brilliant, and perhaps once we've completed Phase 1 & 2 of this project we can branch out further and collaborate with @Asher.

I wanted to get the main resources or hotlines off the list first as crisis resources are in much need,  especially for listeners as we are not trained for crisis support. This project will be long and a bit tedious perhaps, but I am certain it will make it all the more worthwhile in the end! 💜

LittleBirdie30 December 14th, 2023

@Lunaire00 I love this project so much!! 🥰

Lunaire00 OP December 14th, 2023


Thank you! I am hoping it will be a success, as we really need this resource for users to refer to in a pinch! 🌷

bouncyMusic133 December 14th, 2023


This is so awesome. One day when I am ready, I would love to join. I am sure this is going to be a great project. Everyone on here has been so great. 

Lunaire00 OP December 14th, 2023


Thank you! For sure, I look forward to welcoming you on the team when you are ready. I am glad you have been having a good time on 7Cups, the community is very warm and welcoming! 🌷

kindSoul10 December 16th, 2023

I'm not sure if we should try to compete with Wikipedia again when it comes to maintaining a list of verified crisis support numbers and websites but I see the motivation in trying.

However I want to urge you to not remove the Wikipedia link again from the crisis list we offer to listeners and members. The English Wikipedia has a very active community when it comes to keeping that list up-to-date.

Lunaire00 OP December 16th, 2023


Hi Soul, thank you for your comment! 💜

I appreciate your perspective. I want to clarify that the aim of this project is not to replace existing crisis resource lists, such as Wikipedia's, but to complement them. If our list is added to the 7Cups crisis page, I'll ensure that it will be an addition, not a replacement.

In fact, we value Wikipedia's list, and we're using it as one of our sources. Our focus at the moment is on finding 3-5 main crisis resources for suicide/self-harm/general emergencies that aren't specific to any situation or group of people. It's a step-by-step process. Once we accomplish the initial task, we'll look into the long-term upkeep of the list.

Rest assured, we won't remove the Wikipedia link from the crisis list 7Cups offers to all users. I understand and recognise the importance of maintaining access to the well-organised and regularly updated resources already available. Thank you for understanding!

PatienceImpatiens February 5th

This Link should make your job easier or perhaps redundant.

It's the Link we use on Crisis lines and is maintained and updated and checked regularly.

It's maintained by the International Association for Suicide Prevention, a reputable organization that works to decrease worldwide suicide.

Please note, some helplines in some countries have "hours," (eg. they are only open during business hours, 9-5 in their time zone) or they charge for the call. Some do not. Some countries take International Calls, others do not. There is also a wide variety of training that Counselors have to go through.

I work for a Crisis Line. I will say here that 99% of the people who call in are searching for human connection. There are times when the wait time is up to 4-5 hours for the caller.

I would say that the training I as a Counselor received is Excellent, with constructive feedback and clear ways to allow a person who calls or texts to vent and receive support to construct some sort of plan to at least make it through the day. The training required a commitment of very intense work for over 30 hours. Also, the calls are supervised, there is Always a Mental Health Care Paid Counselor available to take over or coach anyone on a call or if a Volunteer is facing an issue they are struggling with providing support about, in real time. It's a really cool group of Counselors as well. I love working Crisis because it is real people with real problems.

However, I would not send people to Crisis Lines unless they were in imminent danger. A lot of people really just want to talk.

Here's the absolute best listing of Crisis Lines, and like I said before, it is checked, verified and maintained by the International Association for Suicide Prevention so totally legit:

I think 7 cups should use this link instead of what they are currently using, honestly. (I say this because when I gave the updated number on one of the lines it took over 9 months for it to be updated on 7 cups crisis page. Because 7 cups is working with a bunch of volunteers things don't always get done very expeditiously. I love all you Volunteers, don't get me wrong! I'm one myself. It's just ---- different when there's some urgency.)

