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How do I rate a listener?

Skeptigirl March 30th, 2015

I am angry. I did not come on this site to get smug ignorance from children who think a single mp3 can fix all my 20+ years of problems.

bestApple51 March 30th, 2015

If you click on their avatar, at least on the mobile chat, it gives you the conversation menu. The first option is to rate the listener. I had to talk to three different listeners last time I really needed someone's input just to find someone familiar with how to approach my problem. One was bitchy and hurtful.Anothergave advice that contradicted what my therapist said and was just WRONG advice on the subject, saying adeath was "in the past" and pretty much saying to "just move on andget over it." The third listener was actually reassuring and knowledgable. It sucks when you get a dud, but I have had both really bad experiences and very comforting.

March 30th, 2015

@Skeptigirl @bestApple51 I am sorry to hear that you had such experience here. It is true that sometimes it can happen that we encounter a listener that we are not satisfied with and there are things that we can do in that case, depending on whether they acted inappropriately and broke rules, or were just not helpful or professional.

Instead of copy/pasting my answer from another thread, here is the link to it. Check it out, it should have answers you are looking for.

Another thing that I will recommend is looking for a listener through our Browse Listener section. You can browse by categories or keywords and will be able to check listener's profile before clicking the 'connect now' button.

hunnyb89 March 30th, 2015

Dont feel disheartened I had trouble finding a listener they are people and we dont gel with every person we meet its trial and error I was lucky to find a listener in my hours of need that was very helpful and made me not only face my problems but conquer them and to remember they do not define me he made me laugh but was always professional to my needs I hope u find it to skeptigirl just remember the listeners are people like us with problems trying to help we are only human and make mistakes im sure they did not meen to upset or offend you

rationalLychee2633 August 1st, 2017

Booksandbeard is good ๐Ÿ‘Œ Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š

quickwittedTurtle9663 August 4th, 2017

It doesn't matter if you rate them or not. Nothing changes. There's so much abuse on this website.

Icanhelp05 October 5th, 2018

I want to show the listeners they helped me. But dont know how to rate them.