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A poll on an idea I had. What do you think?

MayaorMay13 August 6th, 2016

Alright, let's get this started.

I am a Bisexual Genderfluid person heading into my first year of high school.

I was think of an idea on how to get the LGBTQ community talked about in my school.

I was thinking that maybe I could post some of my drawings around the school in secret (before or after school) saying quotes, positive messages, and links to help people who might be having identity issues. I thought, "Huh, maybe I could use my drawings for good." And the idea popped into my head like, "WOAH! WAIT! What if you did this to help people?"

I don't know if this seems like a dumb idea or not, so here we are, me asking you if it is.

Well, guess that's done with, so, on with what you guys think!

Thanks guys

Heyhelloyellow August 6th, 2016

@MayaorMay you should be really proud of yourself - it's a really unique idea!! I think it would have a positive impact on the school.

Would your school be okay with it happening?

MayaorMay13 OP August 6th, 2016

@Alyssafuncoach Most likely

Phthalo August 6th, 2016

Personal experience, teachers don't like students leaving little notes in books or on walls and stuff...

Phthalo August 6th, 2016

But idk that was my school anyway

calmJet2047 August 6th, 2016

@MayaorMay It sounds like a wonderful idea May, just be careful when and how you do it. Schools can be annoyingly strict sometimes on random notes flying around or vandalisation.

Just don't over do it and keep it positive rather than turn it into something like a seller's flyer and I think your idea could really excel laugh

Good Luck!