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Your Feedback is welcomed!!! Online bullying Brainstorming Exercise

Rain45 February 2nd, 2018

Technology and social media is all around us and can be used to great effect, however things can easily turn and you cant always press undo Believe it or not, kids are not the only victims of cyberbullying. Adults can just as easily become prey to bullying through these means.

Just because words are online doesnt mean it doesnt have the power to hurt and to drive some to contemplate suicide. Im sure there are many of us on cups who have met our fair share of supporting members and listeners who have been bullied in some shape or form. But there is a lot of ignorance when it comes to online bullying, what is it, what constitutes it, is it that bad, is it that traumatic and so on. Wed like to overcome the ignorance that surrounds online bullying and would like to begin by asking members and listeners to begin brainstorming this simple task of how they perceive online bullying to be, and subsequently, the impact this has. It wont take much of your time up and so if you have a few moments we kindly ask to spare a little of this.

We would like to ask the following:

Why do people get bullied online?
What does online bullying behaviour look like?.
What sets bullying apart from other online behaviour? Eg A pattern of repeated aggression.(Bullying is rarely a one time thing
Have you been a witness of online bullying? How did this feel for you (without giving identifying details)
What ideas do you feel could be considered to tackle online bullying?

We will come back to you after time enough time has been given for you all to provide information on this topic and we will are planning an anti-bullying event currently to take place on cups for anyone who would like to take part when it happens. More information will become available nearer the time.





Emily619 February 2nd, 2018

Yay for this update!!

Why do people get bullied online?

Online bullying has (mostly) the same causes as in-person bullying. They may be bullied due to their physical appearance, their mental state, their parents' (or own) income, and other similar social factors.
What does online bullying behavior look like?

It mostly has the same characteristics as the other forms of bullying, such as taunting, making fun of someone, or posting an off-guard photo or video of someone else without their consent.
What sets bullying apart from other online behavior?

Typically online behavior (and what social media is intended to be) is to get to know your friends more, like and share their photos and videos, and so on. Bullying, on the other hand, is the opposite, where someone will misuse social media as a tool to bring someone down.
Have you been a witness of online bullying?

I actually have! A few years ago, someone at my school created a social media account with the purpose of "exposing" others who attended that school. The principal found out about it, thanks to many reports, and the account was shut down, thankfully!

How did this feel for you?

Although I was not a victim of bullying, it made me feel upset to see people being mistreated like this. I was very relieved when the school got ahold of it and shut it down.
What ideas do you feel could be considered to tackle online bullying?

Hmm, really encouraging the THINK acronymn! Ever since the incident, my school has hung posters with the "Before you post, is it (T)rue? Is it (H)elpful? Is it (I)nspring? Is it (N)ecessary? Is it (K)ind?

DeborahUK February 2nd, 2018


I love that THINK! Not heard it before, but very pertinent.

For me bullying isnt just to effect and hurt the person being bullied. I imagine it may also give the bully a sense of power, perhaps something they dont get from any other source. It doesnt excuse bullying, but I think bullies often turn out to be quite sad characters themselves.

calmMango9611 September 19th, 2022

@DeborahUK Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

Rain45 OP February 2nd, 2018

@Emily619 Hey Emily thanks for your response and its much appreciated and as Debs mentioned below, I love the idea of the THINK acronyn. smiley

I've just deleted my entire response to the next bit of my question to you so please bear with me lol It was concerning about factors you gave as to why someone may be bullied online and in real life such as their appearance, social factors, and so on. But what if nothing was known about that persons background, what if you didnt know what someone looked like, what their social appearance background was, their mental capabilities or physical capabilities, parentage etc such as on a site like this as opposed to other social media sites, where you may be privy to more information, then what could be a reason bullying could take place then?

It sounds being a witness to bullying was difficult for you and you were relieved when something was finally done about this? It is distressing to see others mistreated and its difficult to speak out and get something done to protect victims if those around seem reluctant to do anything so I am glad there was someone there to help with that situation.

calmMango9611 September 19th, 2022

@Emily619 Thanks for answer the questions.

You did an amazing job.

calmLake1999 February 2nd, 2018

Why do people get bullied online?

I think people bully others in order to feel or to take their insecurities out on others. Bullying online is also an easy way to target anyone and everyone without much fear of repercussions especially by using pseudonyms or anonymous accounts.

What does online bullying behaviour look like?.

Can maybe be anything from constant harassing messages and posts. Also is cruel abusive, threatening, demeaning behaviour.

What sets bullying apart from other online behaviour? Eg A pattern of repeated aggression.(Bullying is rarely a one time thing
Have you been a witness of online bullying? How did this feel for you (without giving identifying details)

Social media and technology is awful cause schoolyard bullying which used to only happen in the schoolyard is now being transferred to why kids are at home or out and about which makes them feel very unsafe..

What ideas do you feel could be considered to tackle online bullying?

Treat everyone with kindness and compassion. Always treat others how you wish to be treated. Never resort to bullying to combat bullying as it only causes more problems. Remember that everyone has their own internal battles, struggles and wars,, combatting with kindness, care, love and nice words can be uplifting and help heal your own woes!

calmMango9611 September 19th, 2022

@calmLake1999 Thanks for answering the questions.

I enjoyed reading them.

February 2nd, 2018

@dancingRainbow45 it's good to see that someone did brought this topic for discussion. It will be worthy i suppose. Thanks!

Why do people get bullied?
People often bully others to feel power over others by one means or other as if it making things difficult for other could lend them more authority and power.

What does online bullying behaviour look like?
It could be harassing someone in private and group chats, spreading hurtful rumours and blocking one's way to do their work.

Have you been a witness of online bullying? How did this feel for you?
Unfortunately yes and it was like no matter how harder i try, the other person or a group of persons won't let me achieve that. that was just disheartening and depressing to an extent.

What ideas do you feel could be considered to tackle online bullying?
Making things equal or even if there's an hierarchy keeping an eye on it. Making better policies to eradicate cliquiness which could lead to bullying. Better judging system where the offender must not set free due to their friendship or favouritism.

February 2nd, 2018

Also, i would like to invite over some of my friends upon here to share their views.

@Halogen @tazcares @BeyondTheInvisible @chocoholic 247 @Eccho

Rain45 OP February 2nd, 2018

@wizeakre Hey Wiz, thanks for a fantastic post on such a serious topic and one which I am sure will resonate with many. smiley

Why do people get bullied online?

You make a good point of how the online situation creates a platform for people to remain anonymous, but this doesn't take away from the power that words can have, whether from one person or a group of people. People as you said can hide behind a screen. It offers to them a form of protection whilst leaves others their victims feeling vulnerable. As you so rightly so, it could infact allow the perpetrator to replicate their behaviour, as bullying very often is not a one time behaviour.

What does online bullying behaviour look like?.

You make a great point in your response here about passive and aggressive behaviours. Bullying can be both. Bullying doesn't have to be a behaviour that is seen directly but a behaviour which is a passive behaviour often gone undetected for a long time, that can be very suble.

The feelings you describe both has someone having been a victim of bullying and as someone having witnessed bullying is enough to bring someone to tears. It is heartbreaking. It is so isolating and so sad that another human being would want to do this to you and to others.

I love your ideas around accountability and ensuring there is a system of support in place for those who are victims of bullying and a code of conduct and anyone who breaches this suffers some form consequence. I also like where you mention how people feel supported and stood up for. Thanks Wiz for your great ideas. Your post as usual are fantastic heart

calmMango9611 September 19th, 2022

@NoneTheWiser Thanks for answer the questions.

You did an amazing job.

Tazzie February 2nd, 2018

@dancingRainbow45 @firebolt110

Why do people get bullied online?

I think some people enjoy misusing the internet and find it easier to harass another individual or individuals mentally and emotionally because they are behind a screen and they can keep themselves completely anonymous. Many times, people bully others because they did not receive adequate amount of attention in their childhood. The perpetrators lack stability, security, have low self-confidence and a low sense of self worth. Therefore, they choose to engage in this form of ruthless, unwanted and aggressive behavior because they want to boost their own confidence levels and feel the need to show themselves as superior.

What does online bullying behavior look like?
Sending threat messages, calling people names, using foul language, dominating others as a way of showing superiority and humiliating others.

Have you been a witness of online bullying? How did this feel for you?

Fortunately, I have not experienced online bullying. However, I can definitely empathize with the victims. It can be an incredibly challenging, stressful and painful experience. Bullying can have long lasting detrimental effects on peoples mental, emotional and physical health. It can lead to depression, social anxiety, disturbed sleep patterns and many more serious health issues.

What ideas do you feel could be considered to tackle online bullying?

Raise awareness.

Encourage people to focus on how to make the best use of the internet. For example, encourage people to use the internet as a way of obtaining knowledge, passing that knowledge on to others and use internet resources to help people, instead of causing harm or damage.

If victims of online bullying are comfortable with sharing their experiences, encourage them to openly discuss how they fought through it. This can serve as a source of inspiration for many more people in the world.

Rain45 OP February 2nd, 2018


Hey Taz Love the Quote and thanks so much for taking the time to answer these few questions for us smiley I think there is an element of wanting to feel superior over others as your post said, and it made me think a lot about perhaps lacking stability and security in their own life has contributed towards this. I think one of the most hurtful forms of bullying is where its left someone feeling humiliated and belittled even when very little has been said or done for that person to feel that, so passive forms of bullying used I guess.

Im glad you have been fortunate that you have not had to experience bullying personally but you are clearly able to empathsize with those who have gone through it. As you said, its an incredibly painful, challenging and stressful experience and one which leaves deterimental effects.

I loved your ideas, raising awareness, encouraging people to focus on how to make the best use of the internet eg using the internet as a way of obtaining knowledge, passing that knowledge on to others and using the internet resources to help people, instead of causing harm or damage so perhaps as with bullying using resources from the internet on or online to actually help victims of bullying to recover from their experiences.

musicalTree587 April 17th, 2022

Why do people get bullied online?

Some people feel better by taking their insecurities out onto other people. People get bullied for various reasons, including their appearance, the way they speak, wealth, family, social status, etc. Online bullying allows bullies to avoid facing their victims, so it requires less courage as they are behind the screen and can remain completely anonymous to humiliate the victim.

What does online bullying behavior look like?

It could include posting someone’s personal information, spreading rumors and false information, or using photos to hurt/embarrass another person. One could also bully online by sending intimidating messages to a person either privately or in a group chat.

What sets bullying apart from other online behavior? Eg A pattern of repeated aggression.(Bullying is rarely a one time thing)

The main focus of bullying is on another person rather than yourself while other online behavior is for your benefit and knowledge. Bullying is where people misuse the internet to harm others instead of connecting with friends and family through social media or obtaining more knowledge through research for a project. Bullying is intentional hurtful behavior, often repetitive, not just one isolated incident.

Have you been a witness of online bullying? How did this feel for you (without giving identifying details)

Yes, I was a victim of online bullying in my childhood days. It made me feel unsupported, unloved, anxious/depressed and impacted by self esteem in a negative way. It took a toll on my mental and physical health.

What ideas do you feel could be considered to tackle online bullying?

It’s mostly in our control. The best thing you can do is try to stop the bullying by taking a stand against it. We must learn to treat others the same way we would like to be treated. We need to be thoughtful about what we share or say that may hurt others and be kind to one another online. Instead of misusing the internet, people should create awareness and help others to use the internet for obtaining knowledge and passing on resources. If the person being bullied is part of a school, work place, or organization they should be able to report it to the authorities.

bigBlanket63 May 15th, 2022

It's never your fault to be treated that way.

calmMango9611 September 19th, 2022

@bigBlanket63 So true.

sportssurfnsun September 1st, 2022

Why do people get bullied online?

I think people get bullied online just because it is SO much easier for the bully. They have this screen to hide behind, and they easily feel empowered by it! They would never say many of these things to the victim in person, but the online forum allows for anonymity, which gives rise to the bullying behaviors.
What does online bullying behaviour look like?.

Bullying online can manifest in many different ways. It can be through direct communication with the victim, through an anonymous post, through a comment, etc. The possibilities are endless.

Have you been a witness of online bullying? How did this feel for you (without giving identifying details)

Absolutely. I have never actually been bullied myself online, but being a bystander is very difficult as well. While I would easily stand up for another person in real life, it almost feels helpless while watching it occur online. You may log on to Instagram or Facebook and see a mean post, and while you can leave a comment or report it, there is no direct form of stopping it. It definitely upsets me to see this type of behavior.

What ideas do you feel could be considered to tackle online bullying?

I think that there could be a better way of notifying people of online bullying. While it is very hard to track those doing the bullying, there needs to be a better way of stopping this behavior. I think the long standing mantra still rings true: See something, say something. For high schoolers, speak up to your teachers. For employees, speak up to your boss. I think speaking the word and forcing people to take responsibility will stop others from bullying!

calmMango9611 September 19th, 2022

@sportssurfnsun Thanks for answering the questions.

You did an amazing job.