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Where did we come from? Human origins.

faithfulCoconut848 February 14th

Where did we come from? This question I find quite fascinating. As far as I’m aware there’s at least 4 explanations as to why we are here.

The first one is through essentially magic. A deity uses magic to create humans. I’m not sure about the Hindu explanation but in Abrahamic religions and in Greek mythology people are created through art basically. They’re sculpted out of clay. I tend to think that the arts and magick are pretty much the same thing, but if someone out there disagrees then that’s fine. Some people believe in leprechauns and yet the sun still rises and world still turns. We can all afford to take a nap.

Second is extraterrestrials. I don’t like to use the word alien, but it’s definitely easier on the hands to type. The web is resplendent in rabbit holes concerning how humans were created by reptilian aliens. They mixed Sasquatch DNA, and the DNA of a much cooler secret, mystery alien, in order to mine for gold and precious jewels. The Sasquatches were too unruly and so the humans had to be created because we’re such sheeple don’t cha know. Lol. There’s quite a number of people who actually believe this to be the case. This is A ok with me. I’m not saying it’s good or bad to believe this. I will say that sense is getting more and more elusive the older I get. Heck I’d sooner run into Sasquatch than actual sense nowadays. The Valentine’s chocolate still taste good though.

Behind door number 3 we find the theory of evolution. Good ol Darwinian natural selection. Contrary to popular belief, usually that means propaganda, it doesn’t mean survival of the fittest. If that was true the dinosaurs will still be around and we’d still be opossums or whatever. I ain’t no rat. Lol. I find the opossum to be finer beast, but that’s just me. Actually🤓 rats are cleaner than mice. I haven’t seen an opossum waddle around with a plethora of dingleberries ( I’ll be surprised if that word doesn’t get censored ) either. But anyway, evolution means survival of those who are most adaptable to environmental change. Religious beliefs can be used by propagandists just as easily as scientific beliefs. As far as I’m concerned you’re more likely to believe in evolution if you were one of those kids who loved dinosaurs growing up. You probably read plenty of dinosaur books and saw plenty of evolutionary charts. Paleontology and evolution go hand in hand because every fossil ever found was indeed a transitional fossil. I don’t understand why creationists believe otherwise. We literally have feather imprints on dinosaur fossils for the love of Pete.

Happy Valentine’s Day Pete. ♥️

Door number 4. This one’s a bit trippy so I’m gonna try my best to make sense here. Ok here goes. Reality is like a video game. Everything and everyone gets rendered as your character, you, approach it. Meaning it’s not there when you’re not. It’s like the old saying goes. If a tree falls down in the middle of the forest and if nobody is around to hear it does it make a sound? Some believe it does some believe it doesn’t. I don’t want to be a person who throws around words like narcissistic, but golly gee Batman! Even if nobody is around to hear it, it still creates vibrations in the air that even bugs will hear or feel. Even other plants will react to the vibrations in the air. But nobody cares for the trees anymore. Just ask ol Treebeard. He’s on nobody’s side because nobody is on his side.

Ok back from Middle Earth! Technically you are the universe so everyone and everything who has ever lived, lives, or is going to be born in the future is you. So when the Valkyries descend, everything goes away too because you’re not there to perceive it and perception is everything.

Gee I’ve seem to have left Middle Earth and wondered my way into a Davey Wilcock blue chicken cult seminar. Anyway it is true that perception is everything. It’s simply how our minds tend to work. But when Obi Wan Kenobi told Vader if you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine, he vanished, not reality itself. Sadly Star Wars continued to live on and eventually get sold to Disney. What happened? Evolution! Life, um, found a way! As Ian Malcolm so eloquently put it. You may not like it but apparently that’s what peak performance looks like. Anyhow I’m not saying it’s good or bad, but it’s all we got. 😀

So what do you think? Where did we come from? God, aliens, evolution, or non-duality? Maybe you have the truth! I just thought this was an interesting enough topic because I noticed someone say recently that they’re questioning the theory evolution yet I didn’t fancy them to be god-fearing man/woman. Which is cool. I just thought it fascinating. If not evolution then what? I like art don’t get me wrong. I know my way around a tube of play dough, but It’s cool. Ultimately my hope is everyone believes in what resonates with them.

soulsings February 18th

@faithfulCoconut848  I am not an expert on this topic but I have been studying Buddhism and it posits that all phenomena are produced by causes and conditions. As far as a beginning goes, Buddhsism says that phenomenon are beginningless and so there is no beginning cause according to Buddhism. 

There are many explanations and I respect people's right to choose one that is in accord with their beliefs. 

slowdecline48 February 18th

There's a theory that is similar to your 4th option. It claims that the universe is a simulation generated by something more real than this universe or anything in it...basically, all existence in the dimensions with which we are familiar is like a sophisticated program running inside some kind of über-computer. This theory is inherently unprovable either way, so I don't worry about it.