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annoying program leader

Disneywoman December 7th, 2023

From October 2013-March 2020  I went to an in-person program in Achilles (not actual) name  I would go 2 of the four days they're open so that means Mondays and Thursdays.  It was lead by three "peer facilators" they just implented what us, the participants choose to do each month and what we eat each month. Sometimes the things that we might do might involve  a "field trip" to like the Royal Provincial Museum in Toto, or once to the Science Centre, or once to see the (school) actual "field trip" version of Medieval Times (hated that), to the Toto Zoo, etc. 

 One of the peer facilators I really didn't have a good relationship with- for the story purpose I will call her "Briar" because she was like that for me.   The only other fake names I'm going to be using is "Willow" for my home town,  "Oliver" for another town east of me,  and "Pickwick" for a town west of both me and "Achilles" and one city: Toto.    I'm going to call another leader (at the time of the one of the three stories) "Raven"  and the other leader "Kara".    One other person who I will just call "Bryce"

minor thing-because we would eat lunch there at the building that if Briar and I happen to be at the same table together she would nitpick about "how messy I made the table" afterwards but at this time in the program we had to sign up for I'm calling it chores -cooking, doing the dishes, vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms, doing garbage/recycling and wiping the tables.   When I volunteer to wipe the tables-I found others' made more of a mess on their tables then I made on mine.

Now bigger fish to fly- (one note: I have a memory like an elephant)

In 2016-I was only going to the program once a week (Monday) because I was in another program (which I discovered was a waste of my time). So that for weeks ahead of time that the leaders said that for lunch "they would take care of it"   But then getting closer that early morning prior to the trip that they had to be talking to a "higher up" for lack of a better word- but they still claimed they're would still "deal with" lunch.   

Well I show up on the trip-Monday and I'm question about no food bags and Briar was rudely said "We told you to bring your own lunch" .

But I discovered from others-that 1)that only happened on Wednesday of the previous week and I never go on Wednesday as well as 2) the previous Thursday when I wasn't there.  So how the *** was I suppose to know that?    I'm so lucky I had a bank card by that time because I would have been totally hungry by the time I got back to Willow if I hadn't had a bank card.   

In June or July  of 2018 the day-program went to their last Baseball game (Toto's colorful birdy mascot) because of the fact a lot of people signed up but not a lot of people showed up so that tickets went instead to leaders' family members.  Well anyway the way we went to the baseball game was by Commuter Train.  Note I'm not 100% sure how the group tickets worked but I been taking the train for most of my life but I somehow knew at the time (and this is the important bit) that if you get on as a group in let's say "Achilles" that people who might get on in "Willow" are not covered by the group ticket either going in or out of Toto.  Oh- one more thing Briar is more of a driver then a commuter

The week before when I left the room our program was in one of the leaders, Kara,  who lived over in Oliver said she might be waiting for the train in Willow on the base-ball day. The day came and only Bryce and I were waiting at the Willow train station.   I had a "Transit" card so I had tapped it before heading up to the platform to wait for the train don't know what "Bryce" did about paying.  Well Bryce and  I got on the train and Kara, Raven as well as my friend "G" and a couple of others got on.  And "Briar" and a couple more (but not a lot) got on in "Pickwick".    We went to the baseball game and then left early of course and on the train ride home I somehow mentioned  I tapped my transit card before leaving Toto's Union Station and for the rest of the trip between then and when Briar got off in Pickwick station- it was a loop of conversation  between me and Briar.    

The conversation was like "You should get the group ticket from Raven" and I was like "It doesn't cover me and Bryce because we got on in Willow not in Achilles"  and the loop get going over and over until Briar got off the train.  Then after one more other stop (Achilles) where everyone else got off Bryce and I got off in Willow.

Last one this happened in Dec 20218 for story context I need to name a former classmate and his two sisters. The Classmate I will call "Axel" he was my age  and the sisters the oldest sister Amelia is my own sister's age,  and the other sister I will call Alice for this story. Oh and I have to mention my own sister so I'm calling her Luna.    I have to mention one thing-first thing we have to do in the morning at the program is check-ins and we go around the room and saw how our weekend was if it was a Monday or how we're feeling, or how our week was and most of the time we're allowed to take about "problems" that came up in our lives.  For instance one woman was I think complaing about either her son or her daughter-in-law/ daughter or son-in-law, or  she was complain about her grandchildren (I'm not sure which) and another person once talked about being in a bad relationship at the time as some examples of "problems" that have been mentioned during check-in. 

Now let's get into the story- on Wednesday right before the holidays my parents and I are at home and Luna calls and tells us that Alice has posted on *** about the fact Axel had died.  I guess I was kind of in shock I guess?  So the next day which would have normally be a joyful day for me was the opposite of joyful -I didn't feel much like participating because even though I didn't know Axel very well (beside the fact that when Axel and I 15/16 he and his two older sisters were fully orphan even though the sisters were adults at that point) but what was very rude is that during check-in I was going to share my news about Axel's death but the person leading the check-in was Briar and she said something like "only happy things only" which was pretty unfair.  So I felt even less like participating then I normal would have and she basically didn't care or basically told me to "shut up" I can't remember which when I tried to tell her later and that was right before our pot-luck lunch.  If it wasn't for the potluck I would have just up and left after Briar's comment

So instead of being able to tell the whole group as whole about the shock of classmate's death, I had to wait for people to approach me noticing I was upset and talk to me and ask me why I was upset and having to tell people several times in one day was kind of annoying

KatePersephone December 8th, 2023

@Disneywoman thank you for sharing this with the community <3 *sending hugs if oki*

Disneywoman OP July 5th

Briar caused someone to go into anaphylaxis.


There's only two things you need to know for this story.  During this time we had a student volunteer who had peanut allergies.  She's fine as long as she doesn't eat them.  The other thing is during the winter of this year (2018?) we had as an "activity" that a woman came into the program and did baking with some of us who were interested


So it s one of the days  the baking lady came in.   According to what Briar said this morning that people like me who were interested, were suppose to make chocolate chip cookies but there was a last minute substitute was made because the baking lady " thought she could do that" .  The substitute was instead of using chocolate chips we instead used Reese's Pieces candy.   I went into the the leaders' office, and I did try to warn them about substitution, and Briar kind of dismissed me (I can't quiet remember what she said)  and i left and just coutined to make the cookies. 

 After the cookies were done, and were cool enough to eat, the Baking lady brought them around to both people like me who helped baking them.  But also to the leaders- because Briar hadn't paid attention to a substitution told the student volunteer she could have one because its was a chocolate chip cookie.     

Not too long later as I was packing up my gear to leave,  that the student volunteer suddenly had breathing problems. the leaders recognized it as an allergic symptom. I can't remember  but I might have if I mentioned again (because the first time when I tried to tell them they didn't listen), that  the cookies didn't have chocolate chips in them, but Reece's pieces instead.   

That led to Briar having a stern talk to the baking lady about not doing something like that.    I think as I was leaving or before I left, that they took the student volunteer to the hospital.